Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1163

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. cn. 231. 1911. 1139 Sec. 155. Aliens who are citizens or subjects of any government ,d}§,§{*"°°"1""¥"°“‘° which accords to citizens of the United States the right to prosecute R·S·»¤¤¤-1068,1>-197- claims against such government in its courts, shall have the rivilege of prosecuting claims against the United States in the Court of Claims, whereof such court by reason of their subject matter and character, mlight take jurisdiction. · Sec. 156. very claim against the United States cognizable by w§},'§$,1x‘§,§§S_“‘°“ " the Court of Claims, shall be forever barred unless the petition setting R- S-»¤¤¢· 1069, v- 191 forth a statement thereof is filed in the court, or transmitted to it by the Secretary of the Senate or the Clerk of the House of Representatives, as rovided by law, within six years after the claim first accrues: Provikledji That the claims of married women, first accrued during {¥§}’,*;’,f",,, ,,,,,,,8,, marriage, of persons under_ the age of twenty-one years, first accrued W°m°¤· ¤i¤°¤» swduring minority, and of idiots, lunatics, insane persons, and persons ibeyond the seas at the time the claim accrued, entitled to the claim, shall not be barred if the petition be filed in the court or transmitted, as aforesaid, within three gears after the disability has ceased; but no other disability than t ose enumerated shall revent any claim from being barred, nor shall any of the said disabilities operate _ cumulatively. Sec. 157. The said court shall have power to establish rules for sure. ot pmaee, its government and for the regulation of practice therein,,and it may °°f;_S__,ec_1m0,p_198_ punish for contempt in the manner prescribed by the common law, may appoint commissioners, and may exercise such powers as are necessary to carry into effect the pgwers granted to it y law. Sec. 158. The judges and cler of said court may administer g_*g'*¤·”g“;m Mm 1 oaths and affirmations, take acknowledgments of instruments in " ’ writing, and Eye certificates of the same. S13; 159. e claimant shall in all cases fully set forth in his peti— ,§g'-,§}{;¤=· tion e claim, the action thereon in Congress or by any of the depart- a.s.,¤et.1uv2,p.1ss. ments, if such action has been had, what persons are owners thereof or interested therein, when and upon what consideration such ersons became so interested; that no assignment or transfer of said clisiim or of any part thereof or interest therein has been made, except as stated in the petition; that said claimant is justly entitled to the amount therein claimed from the United States after allowing all 'ust credits and offsets; that the claimant and, where the claim has A¤°¤*¤¤°•=·¤*•¤· been assigned the orippgrgal and everiy prior owner thereof, if a citizen, has at all times rne true al egiance to the Govemment of the United States, and, whether a. citizen or not, has not in any way voluntarily aided, abetted, or given encouragement to rebellion against the said Government, and that he believes the facts as stated _ in the said petition to be true, The said petition shall be verified V°"*‘°“°*°¤· by the affidavit of the claimant, his agent or attorney. _ Sec. 160. 'I‘he said allegations as to true allegiance and volun- g§};,"§§“‘Q,Q **'_§,; tary aiding, abetting, or giving encouragement to rebellion against proven. " the Government ma be traversed by the Government, and if on B`S"S°°"°73""l°8‘ the trial such issues shall be decided against the claimant, his petition shall be dismissed. Sec. 161. Whenever it is material in any claim to ascertain whether ql§;gg‘,‘g§1,‘§g;i;l:{§_ '°· any person did or did not give any aid or comfort to forces or gov- R.s.Ssec.1w4,p.1¤a. ernment of the late Confederate States during the Civil War, the claimant asserting the Walty of any such person to the United States during such Civil ar shall be re uired to prove affirmatively that such person did, during said Civil qVVar, consistently adhere to · the United States and did give no aid or comfort to persons engaged ‘ in said Confederate service in said Civil War. Sec. 162. The Court of Claims shall have jurisdiction to hear and “fQ,;‘j,}’n‘f,’,'{86g“k°° determine the claims of those whose pro rty was taken subsequent Jurisdiction no as to June the first, eighteen hundred anrlwsixtyéive, under the pro- "iw'?,i{'f£K"r?§».[°”°