Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/116

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92 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1909. offered for sale to all purchasers in said markets, and that it is the price which the manufacturer or owner making the declaration would have received, and was willing to receive, for such merchandise sold in the ordinary course of trade in the usual_wholesale_quant1t1esi and that it includes all charges thereon as proyided by this Act, am the actual quantity thereo ; and that no different invoice of the merchandise mentioned in the invoice so produced has been or will ,,§'.°§,°°,'{‘§f{‘ °‘ °`"` be furnished to anyone. If the merchandise was actually purchased, the declaration shall_also conta1n_a statement that the cur- ”"§’}§}‘&iZ`if¤lZK£.§?§.°i$§ £i.3§"£$§§LZ3S M which `"S °°t"”"y an · _ Fmducliyrgd °‘ *“· P “Sec. 4. That, except in case of personal effects accompanying the mcs mu passenger, no imporiliattiondof anydmerchmmsetplxcqegllng ons qndreq dollars in value sha a mitte to entry wi ou e pro uc ion o E‘°°"°°“‘ a dllilybcertaiied invoice thereof as required bybgw, oxélpf arhaflidavit ma e the owner importer or consignee, ore e co ec or or " his depiity, shqlwH1§(;why gt is iilrgiprabqtgcablefto protlgiqp such inv01ce; _ S‘¥*°¤*°¤* *'* °'”* and no entry s a ma e in t a nce o a cert e invoice upon i);mi?»vr2hiy.m°epmd affidavit as aforesaid, unless such aiiidavit accompanied, by a statement in the form of an invoice, or otherwise, showing the actual cost of such merchandise, if purchased, or if obtained otherwise than b purchase, the actual market value or wholesale price thereof at tlie time of exportation to the United States in the principal markets V°'“‘°•“°¤· of the country from glgch lthe sage been imported; which statement shall be veritie y the oat o the owner importer consngnee or agent desiring to make entry of the merchandise, to ibe admin- ¤*i¤¤¤·=¤ ¤*¤a¤*¤¤’· istered by the collector or his deputy, and it shall be lawful for the collector or his deputy to examine the deponent under oath, touching the sources of his knowledge, information or belief, m the premises, and to re uire him to produce any letter, paper or statement of accoimt inqhis possession, or under his contro , which may assist the officers of customs m ascertainmdg the actual value of the importation or any part thereof, and in efault of such production, when so requested, such owner, importer, consngnee or agent shall be thereafter debarred from producing any such letter, paper or statement for the purpose of avo1d1ng any additional duty, penalty o_r forfeiture mcurred unger tfliriis Act¥u1ldess he shall shqlw to the satisfactgon of the court or the officers o the customs, as the case ma be t at it was not in his_ power to produce the same when so dlemahdedg v¤¤v<>r<!·b1e¢·¤¤¤¤•=¤- and no merchandise shall be admitted to entry under the provisions . of this section unless the collector shall be satisfied that the failure to produce a duly certified invoice is due to causes be rond the control {rage.: ml uh of the owner, consignee or agent thereof: Provwkledl That the Secn¤mi°¤·»iiQ°§$. P retary of the Treasury may make regulations by which books, magazines and other periodicals published and 1mported in successive parts, numbers, or volumes, and entitled to be imported free of duty, ,,.§`l\’Z§?$‘{.‘$*,?,‘.E€¥"”"“"‘ shall require but 9ne declaration for the entire sei-ies, And when entry of merchandise exceeding one hundred dollars in value is made by a statement in the form of an invoice, the collector shall require be a bond for the production of a duly certified invoice. nnlmlifiitiilgcigé. "Sec. 5. That whenever merchandise imported into the United States is entered by invoice, one of the following declarations, according to the nature of the case, shall be filed with the collector of the _ port at the time of entry by the owner, importer, consignee, or _ A“*"€¤**°°"°"· agent, which declaration so filed shall be duly signed b the owner, importer, consignee, or agent before the collector, or before a notary pu lic or other officer duly authorized by law to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, who may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury to receive such declarations and to certify to the identity of the gersons making them, under regulations to be prescribed by the cretary of the Treasury; and every officer so desig-