Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1111

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SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 231. 1911. 1087 A CHAP. 231.-Au Act To codify, revise, and aunend the laws relating to the umn 3,1011. judiciary. [S- 7031-] _ _ , tr ,N . vs.] Be tt emctcd by the Senate and House of Representat1*vcs of United [Pu lc 0 4 States of America in Congress assembled, That the laws relating to the J1idlci¤1C0de. judiciary be, and they ereby are, codified, revised, and amended, with title, chaptem, cad-notes, and sectwus, enntled, numbered, · and to read as ollowsz p TITLE. '1‘¤¤¢· mm wxmxcmmr. '¤=¤J¤<¤¢i¤¤·- CHAPTER Om:. °”¤P*°’1· DISTRIUE COURTS—ORGAN1ZATION. g&Q_{%(fn_¤<>¤*¤: °*· h, S80. 1. District courts established; appoint- 15. When designation to be made by ment and residence of judges. Chief Justice. 2. Salaries of district judges. 16. New appointment and revocation. 3, Clerks. ‘ 17. Designation of district judge in aid of 4. Deputy clerks. another judge. 5. Criers and bailiEs. 18. When circuit judge may be designated 6. Records; where kept. to hold district court. 7. Effect of altering terms. 19. Duty of district and circuit judge iu 8. Trials not discontinued by new term. such cases. 9. Court alwa s open as courts of admi- 20. When district judge is interested or mlty andy equity. related to parties. 10. Monthly adjoumments for trial of 21. When allidmgit of personal bias or criminal causes. prejudice of judge is filed. 11. Special terms. 22. Coutiuuauce in case of vacancy in 12. Adjournment in case of nonsttend- office. ance of judge. 23. Districts having more than one judge; 13. Designation of another judge in case division of business. of disability of judge. 14. Designation of another judge in case of an accumulation of business. Sec. 1. In each of thedistricts described in chapter live, there shall £i°.sii“;;§?E`s!i?i>. ss. be a. court called a dxstmct court, for which there shell be appomted u,§Qf*g" ‘°' °*‘°" ‘““‘ one judge, to celled a. district judge; excefpt. that 111 the northern naegéigmgllvrdeuzdistnct of Californur, the northern dxstrict q Ilhnols, the dnstmct of vo1.s4,p.`12sa;v¤¤. Maryland, the distmct of Mmuesotgx, the dxstrxct of Nebraska, the °$Q,,{‘;§?';§_‘$,,'§,f‘g,{’,;?§,‘{j distinct of New Jersey, the eastern district of New Xork, the northern g,(%1\<>¤i_¤]g.`p.]9§;= and southern districts of Ohio, the district of Oregon, the eastern and Qi é·zs·’ lZ»q&·,’ 8}) MZ western districts of Pennsylvapm, and the western dxstrict of Wash- _°{gx,§*§\P6,‘f§_g_ P‘f‘;,§§; ington, there shall be am additional d1strict_]ud¤e in each, and in the %¤_{b ig;);x¤gi Nolgiéz southern district of N ew York, three additional dxstmct %udgesg Pro- Wi, :4; pp p` ’ vided, That whenever u vacancy shall occur 111 tl1B'0ll'lC8 0 the district ,{}’g§;i‘j';·nd Mm judve for the district of Maryland, semor in oommissmn, suclrvucancy J¤¤gz¤;=; 201 shall not be filled, and theree,l'ter there shall be but one district judge §§vi& iugwo dig. in said district: Pr0v*1Zded f urther, That there shell be one judge for the, °';§f’§_ sm 552, p_ %_ eastern and western districts of South Cerolma., one judge for the eastern and middle districts of Tennessee, and ope Judge for the northern and southern districts of Mississippi: Promde further, 'l`ha,t {*,})*}**3;**;*)- 218 the district judge for the middle district of Alabama jshsrll contmue ’ ' as heretofore to be zz district judge for the northern district thereof. _ _ Every districtjudge ehall reside in the district or one of the districts R°“‘d°"°°’°‘*“"°d‘ for which he is appomted, end for offending agamst this provision shall be deemed guilty of a, high m1sdeme2mor. _ Sec. 2. Each of the district judges shall receive a sale of six $€,{'§§’“T‘§§_§j . .. . YY ·v thousand dollars a year, to be paid m monthly installments. Sec. 3. A clerk shell be appointed for each d1strict court by the `2“§,5Sgec_ p_g3_ judge thereof, except m cases otherynse provided for by law. I ks Sm;. 4: Except as otherwise specmlly provided bylaw, the clerk of H§§’,E}.’{§.,`Z$,t‘ and the d1str1ct court for each district mqgewith the approval of the dis- °°g“g°- sec 558 . . . . ., . , p. 94. tmct judge thereof, appomt such num r of deputy clerks as may be