Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1097

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six’rY-1·*11rsT corrennss. Sess. III. cn. 210, 1911. 1073 with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, is hereby authorized, within the area described in section one of this Act or within the n§g,§;’;;},°,f “’ W"°‘° said Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, to locate other lands not other- Been-rccidu or mecwise appropriated, not exceeding two sections in any one township, °°”‘ which s al be paid for by the nited States as herein provided, m ' qlpantity equal to the loss, and such selections shall be made prior to t e opening of such lands to ettlement." That section eight of an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the sale ,,,§,°°§}"g‘},,§°,§°f,‘{,*`g and disposition of a portion of the surplus and unallotted lands in 3'¤-¤i¤¤¤¤·¤sh Coun- Mellette and Washabaulgh Counties in the Rosebud Indian Reserva- iitlreersurprmnun tion in the State of Sout Dakota, and maki§ a pro riation and pro- A ,51 d , vision to carry the same into effect} ’ approv Misiy thirtieth, nineteen ar. ”°°’ P' '"°°° ` hundred and ten, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: NSec. 8. That sections sixteen and thirty-six of the land in each ,,,,*;{,‘,§°}’,§§°S§f,,§,°h§{ township within the tract described in section one of this Act shall 1% not be subject to entréy, but shall be reserved for the use of the com- °° PH M"` mon schools and pai for by the United States at two dollars and fifty cents per acre, and the same are hereby granted to the State of South Dakota for such purpose, and in case any of said sections or parts thereof are lost to said State by reason of allotments thereof to . any Indian or Indians, or otherwise, the governor of said State, with m°“*°¤°¤- the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, is `hereby authorized, within the area described in section one of this Act or within the said ,,§,‘,.§$,'{§,‘}',{ “’ ""°‘° Rosebud Indian Reservation, to locate other lands not otherwise ¤°B¤¤¢ri¤ti¤¤¤¤¤¤1¤¤~ a pro riated, not exceeding two sections in any one township, which °° sliiall lib paid for by the United States as herein provided, in quantity equal to the loss, and such selections shall be made prior to the openin of such lands to settlement." _ _ _ %`hat the time in which the commission appointed to inspect, clas— c,ff,§,*},‘;,‘i,§,‘,‘§“;’,';g‘T ‘°' sify, and appraise the unallotted lands m the counties of Mellette and ' Washabaug , in the Rosebud Indian Reservation ·in the State of South Dakota under an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the sale ~*"“·¥’· “’°· and disposition of a portion of the surplus and unallotted lands in Mellette and Washabaugh Counties in the Rosebud Indian Reservation in the State of South Dakota, and making appropriation and provision to carry the same into effect," approved May thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, be, and the same is hereby, extended to ‘ the first day of June, nineteen hundred and eleven, to complete and return the same. UTAH. um., Sec. 21. For a of Indian agent at the Uintah and Ouray Agency U‘¤'*** md Om? (consolidated), Utiih, one thousand eight hundred dollars. Mxiiidh. For support of Confederated Bands of Utes in Utah: For ay of B,:“,f§§{ °°'“°d°'“°°° two carpenters, two millers, two farmers, and two blacksmiths Errticle C°·*'P°¤*°”· °“>- fifteen, treaty of March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight), v°1‘15**"°”" six thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars; for play of two teachers (same article and treaty), one thousand eight undred dollars; for purchase of iron and steel and the necessary tools for blacksmith shop (article nine, same treaty), two hundred and twenty dollars; for F°°d· annual amount for the purchase of `beef, mutton, wheat, flour, beans, and potatoes, or other necessary articles of food (article twelve, same treaty), thirty thousand dollars; for pay of empgvgees at the several E""’l°y°°°‘ Ute aglencies, fifteen thousand dollars; in all, y-three thousand seven undred and forty dollars. For the relief of distress among the Indians of Skull Valley and m‘}§,§§§,,,§’,§,,,,§"{""`°" Deep Creek, and other detached Indians in Utah, and for urpo% of their crvihzation, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof) as may be necessary, to be immediately available, and the Secretary of the Interior shall report to Congress, at its next session, the condition of