Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1093

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SIXTY-FIRST oosennss. sms. III. cu. 210. 1911. 1069 _ OKLAHOMA. <>¤·¤·>¤=¤- Sec. 16. For support and civilization of the Wichitas and aiisiliated $I§,§;Q'fg;g°· bands who have been collected- on the reservations set apart for their ° . use and occupation in Oklahoma, five thousand dollars. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to withdraw ‘,{§*X'pfg,§’_g_m¤¤°h°¤· from the Treasury of the United States, at his discretion, the sum of raymeuuoiageney, twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as ma be necessary, °°°‘ of the funds on deposit to the credit of the Kiowa, (liomanche, and Apache tribes of Indians in Oklahoma, for the support of the agency and pay of employees maintained for their benefit. · That the Secretary of the Interior, in his discretion, is authorized e“§¤{*“,j>(§s¤¤¤l*°°'¢d· to sell, upon such terms and under such rules and regulations as he " ` may prescribe, the unused, unallotted and unreserved lands of the United States in the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache Reservations. For support and civilization of the Arapaho ae: and Cheyennes who iuvwnhew d have been collected on the reservations set apart for their use and c1w§Z1lLL.°°° °° occupation in Oklahoma thirty-five thousand dollars. For support and civilization of the Kansas Indians, Oklahoma, Kansas Indians. including agricultural assistance and pay of employees, one thousand _ five hun red dollars. _ A For support and civilization of the Kickapoo Indians in Oklahoma, Ki¢k¤P00¤· two thousand dollars. _ ‘ ·‘ For support and civihzation of the Ponca Indians in Oklahoma, Poncas including pay of employees, eight thousand. dollars. For su port and education of five hundred Indian pupils at the Chilwcoschool. Indian school at Chiloeco, Oklahoma, and for pay of sigperintendent, eighty-three thousand five hundred dollars; for gener and improvements, six thousand five hundred dollars; in , ninety _ thousand dollars. For fulfilling treaties with Pawnees, Oklahoma: For perpetual §*;,§',,';§‘;· annuity, to be paid in cash to the Pawnees (article three, agreement v01.2v.v.s44. of November twentiy—third, eighteen hundred and ninety-two), thirtly thousand dollars; or support of two manual-labor schools (artic e §,°,j}f’*{}“·,,_,,,,,_ three, treaty of Septem er twengy—fourth, eighteen hundred and bl it fifty-seven), ten thousand dollars; or pay of one farmer, two black- ,,,li§,§}'$§Y’ °° ` smiths, one miller, one engineer and apprentices, and two teachers V°l·“·P·’*°· (article four, same treaty), five thousand four hundred dollars; for "°“°"""°°‘· urchase of iron and stee and other necessaries for the shops (article ilour, same treat ), five hundred dollars; for paiy of liiffsician and m‘”*°i“"'°°°‘ urchase of medicines, one thousand two hun red di) ars; in all, Forty-seven thousand one hundred dollars. For su ort of Quapaws, Oklahoma: For education (article three, §§,'§{.’;,‘§°,'j;,, treaty ofpiila thirteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-three), one V·>*·’·P·*25- thousand dolgirs; for blacksmith and assistants, and tools, iron and m“°"“‘“m‘·°°°‘ steel for blacksmith shop (same article and treaty), five hundred dol- _ lars; in all, one thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That the @§{}§°,,;,,€ of Y,e,,,_ President of the United States shall certify the same to be for the ¤¤¤¤· best interests of the Indians. _ mvn c1vu.1zm> TREES- rrf1L`Z..° °"`]"°d Sec. 17. For eippense of administration of the affairs of the Five ,,,,‘},§§§“’“""i°" °" Civilized Tribes, klahoma, including the salaxiy of superintendent at not to exceed four thousand five hundred dollars per annum, and the compensation of all employees, one hundred and seventy-five thousan dollars. _ That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized ,, ’§‘},*;,$’§}’ S§,‘§,,,é‘},"‘ to designate an employee or employees of the Department of the ggegiiqcivr ¤<> mbz Interior to sigln, under the direction of the Secretary, in his name '° ‘ and for him, is approval of tribal deeds to allottees, to purchasers