Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1066

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1042 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 209. 1911. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, one hundre and sixty-five thousand and sixt dollars. _ ‘ P"' D"P°"”“°“‘· PAY EEPARTMENTZ For ay of officers in the Pay Department, one hundred and fifty-two thousand dollars. _ _ For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be said with their current monthly pay, thirty-eight thousand four hun red and sixty dollars. , GQ‘Q,"§f_{}§ ',;’,,§,{,{},‘j J upon ADVOOATE GENERAL,S DEPARTMENT: For pay of officers mem- in the Judge Advocate General’s Department, forty-six thousand Eve hundred dollars. _ _ For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, eight thousand five hundred dollars. Sis¤¤!<><>rp¤- SIGNAL Cours: For ay of the officers of the Signal Corps, one hundred and fourteen £ousand two hundred dollars. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be said wiplh their current monthly pay, twenty-nine thousand three hun red dollars. mI·}_{¤l·¤‘ A¤·*¤· B¤· BUREAU or INSULAB AFFAIRS? For Hay of officers of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, thirteen thousand dollars. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current'monthly pay, two thousand dollars. B¤¤¤¤i¤¤<=¤¤· nmrmnn ormcnns. PW- For pay of officers on the retired list and for officers who may be placed thereon during the current year, two million nine hrmdred and twelve thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. ¥·°¤¢¢vi*Y· For additional pay to such officers for len th of service, to be paid wigr their current monthly pay, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. <>¤ mira ¤¢¤i<>¢· For increased a to retired officers assign' ed to active dut , iii thousand four hrihdred dollars. y ty ¤°¤8¤***Y· For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, twenty thousand dollars. mxtimd ¤¤¤¤*¤¤ naman mzrnrsrrzn mas. P"- For pay of the enlisted men of the Army on the retired list, two million one hundred and forty-seven thousand six hundred and · seventy dollars. ' “"°°““”°°“· MISCELLANEOUS. H‘”¥’*“‘ ‘¤*”"°°"· For pay of seventy-five hospital matrons, nine thdusand dollars. l'°”*°‘°N“”°°°'P¤· For pay of one Superintendent Nurse Corps, one thousand eight L hulrgdred dollprsd d d 5 or one un re an twent — ve nurses (female eight ` vmmmmm thousand seven hundred and for5ty dollars. )’ g yiught PWM · For pay of forty-two vetermanans, at one thousand seven hundred _Rm,,, yu second dollars each, seventy-one thousand four hundred dollars: Pcwmkied 1¤<$§¤g$¤r;.m That hereafter so much of section twenty, of the Act approved ` ’ ' February second, nineteen hundred and one, as provides that veterinarians shall receive the pay and allowances of second lieutenants mounted, shall be interpreted to authorize their retirement under the laws governing the retirement of second lieutenants. ¤>¤s¤vif>‘- For additional pay to such veterinarians, for length of service to be Ipaid with their current monthly pay, eleven thousand dollars. , }°,;;j*g_g·g_¢¤¤¤- or pay of thirty-one dental surgeons, fifty-seven thousand nine J hundred and sixty dollars. °°¤*¤¢*¤¤¤$°¤¤¤· For contract surgeons, thirty-six thousand dollars.