Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/726

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INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS CONVENTION. JULY 6.1906. 1885 Oonvention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded of J"'? 6· 1°°°· the armies in the field. Signed at Geneva July 6, 1906; ratiyiea- · tion advised by the Senate December 19, 1906; ratified by the Presi- - dent of the United States January 2, 1907 ; ratification deposited with the Government of the Swiss Confederation February .9, 1907; proclaimed August 3, 1907. BY tum Pnnsxnnur or run Umrno Sums or Aumuon. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and v.,§§g,._C"°°° C"` Germany, the Argentine Republic, Austria-Hungary, Belgium Bul- P'°°’”b'°· ria, C ile, China, the Con 0 Free State, Denmark, S in Brazil gg . . S w . , exico, France, Great .BI‘llZ8lll, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Luxemburg,) Montene 0, Norwav, the Netherlands, Peru, Persia, Portugal, umania, Riissia, Servia, Siam, Sweden, Switzerland, and Uru , for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded of armies in tgemdeld, was signed at Geneva, July 6, 1906, the original of which convention, being in the French language, is word for word as follows: [Translation.] CONVENTION POUR IIAME- CONVENTION FOR THE AME- LIORATION DU SORT DES LIORATION OF THE CON- BLESSES ET M£LADES DITION OF THE WOUNDED DANS) LES] ARM `ES EN IN ARMIES IN THE FIELD. CAI AGN ` Sa Majeste l’Empereur d’Alle- His Majestv the Emperor of Ger- lconnmczing pm-- macrne, Roi de Prusse; Son Ex- many, King of russia; His °°“‘ cellence le President de la Re- Excellency the Presudent of the uhlique Argentine; Sa. Majeste Argentine Republic; His MajllEmpereur d’Autriche, Roi de esty the Emperor of Austria — Bohén1e,etc.,et Roi Apostolique King of emia, etc., and de Hongrie; Sa Majesté le Roi Apostolic King of l Hungaiiy; des Belges; Son Altesse Royale His Majesty the Kmgpt the le Prince de Bulgarie; Son Ex- Belgians; His Royal ighness cellence le President de la Re- the Prince of Bulgaria; H1s Exuhlique du Chili; Sa Majesté cellencly the President of the l:Empereur de Chine; Sa Ma- Repub ic of Chile;_His Majesty jesté le Roi des Belges, Souve- the Emperor of China; HisMajrain de l’Etat independant du esty the King of the Belgians, Congo; Sa Majeste ’Emp;2reur Sovereagn of the Congo Free de Coree; Sa Majeste le oi de State; IS Majesty the Emperor Danenmrk; Sa Majesté le Roi of Corea; His Majesty the King d’Espagne; le President des of Denmark; His Majesty the Etats—Unis d`Amerique; le Pre- Knngpf Sgain; the President of sident des Etats-Unis du Brésil; the Inite States of America; le President des Etats-Unis Me- the President of the United