Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/470

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' SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 344-346. 1909. 1625 CHAP. 344.—An Act For the relief of the estate of Samuel J. Rogers. lg'? i¥é7£0§’· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatehies of the United [Prime. N¤· 232-1 States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the $,,,,,,,,1 ,_ R,,;,,, Treasury be, and he is hereb , authorized and directed to redeem, in r Regglggviggg lea favor of the estate of Samuel Rogers, United States four per centum i251E. ospsme o:.' n registered bond, funded loan of nineteen hundred and seven, numbered twenty-seven thousand one hundred and one, for five hundred dollars, inscribed in name of Samuel J. Rogers and alle ed to have been lost: Provided, That the legal representative of saidg estate shall my- first ile in the Treasury a bond in the penal sum equal to the amount of the principal and the accrued interest thereon, with good and suiiicient sureties, to be approved by the Secrets of the Treasury, with condition to indemnify and save harmless therllnited States from any claim on account of the lost bond hereinbefore described and the accrued interest thereon. Approved, March 4, 1909. CHAP. 845.-An Act For the relief of James W. Sears. wg Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United [pn-me, No. ms.] Suites of America in Congress assembled, Thiit the Secretary of the J W mm Treasu be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pa to i·'§'}`§°em‘w. James Sears (now residing at Albion, in the State of Michiganlthe sum of three thousand dollars, being in full for the ppyment of the canal boat P. G. Dennison, owned b said Sears, ut which was destroyed by fire at the port of New Yldrk in the year eiphteen hundred and sixty-three, the said boat at that time oaded with Government stores, having been impressed and taken y the officers of the United States for the use 0 the Government. The sum of APP*'°P¤•'**°¤· three thousand dollars is hereby appropriated to pay the said James W. Sears for the loss of his dproperty out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriate . Approved, March 4, 1909. CHAP. 346.-An Act For the relief of Sarah J'. Fowler. Much 4v1W_ n.1z.2soso. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ogiltepresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled at the Commissioners of the mmcm Columbia District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized to place the Ponce aepmmem. name of Sarah J. Fowler, widow of the late John H, Fowler, on the p,§§e§,°g{, gé,,§`,‘_§,Q’}§,{ nsion roll of the police department of the said District at the rate of cr. hity dollars per month. Approved March 4, 1909.