Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/377

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1532 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 177, 182-184. 1909. F¢l}¥é13\3g?2i7l?W· CHAP. 177.-An Act For the relief of Joseph Swisher. [mvm, na. 161-] Be iterwwted by the Senate and House of Representattves of the United ·{,¢:°P¤ Elf- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Joseph Swisher, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, thén sum gg one lhundred and me dohars anil erghty- seven cents said sum ing the amoun wi e or too s ost in battle, in the settlement of the account of said Joseph Swisher, as `ca tain in the One hundred and thirteenth Regiment hio Volunteer Infantry, and quartermaster of the Second Brigade, Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps. ~ ` Approved, February 23, 1909. bmw! - CHAP. 82.- Act . . , hU derdnl , ’°m...aL»°°° T...,}...g’?i.‘i... ..E{I.;’2’.§.?’d°.£..?$.°i.*.{€.§?i.}I.°‘.§‘;“..£.§‘. ..a§.%°‘;“p?. [rr-inte, No.1|I2.] gasoline steamer yde by light-house tender Oleander. .Be£tenacted the Senate andHm4seof Represe1•tat17vesof the United §Jh§‘;{F,;,_ States of America m Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereb , directed to pay to C. F. Sugg, of Hales

  • ‘“"· P- ’“‘ Point, lauderdale County 'Ihnnessee, the sum of seventy-nine dollars

and mnety-five cents, in fullpayment of his claim for damages inflicted upon the gasol1ne steamer yde by the lighthouse tender Oleander on the third day of August, nineteen hundred and seven. Approved, February 23, 1909. Pe\EeHé4é5 CHAP. 183.-An Act For the relief oi Herman Lehmann. Kreme, st. 16:.1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R¥>resentatt·ves of the United psnlgautrtghmmu. States of Arrwrtoa in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Y °“ ‘ Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any. money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Herman Le mann one hundred an twenty-eii<;ht do s for the loss of personal properti sustained by him whi e in the service of the United States as cler in the Quartermastefs Department, United States Army, byvreason of the burning of the Government warehouse at Seattle, ashington, on May seventh, nineteen hundred and six. The above-name appropriation shall be in full for all claims against the United States (xovernment. , Approved, February 24, 1909. _ February 24.1NO. CHAP. 184.-An Act Authorizi the Department of State to deliver to Major [S· 598*] ___ C. DeW. Willcox decoration and digoma presented by Government of France. [Private, No. 164.] , _ B it enacted by the Senate and House ofllepresentatirves of the United ccim C' Dewwm State}.; of America in Congress assembled, That Major C. DeW. Willue¥¤”»i°`¥b'riliZ‘i;.E cox, United States Army, be, and he is hereléy, authorized to accept "*°"“'°*°-" the decoration and diploma of Ofhcier d’Aca émie tendered to him, through the Department of State of the United States, by the Government of the French Republic; and the Department of State is hereby authorized to deliver to him the said decoration and diploma. Approved, February 24, 1909.