Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1549

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INDEX. · 2583 White, Robert, Pogo- Wm, John A., · P¤z¤· nsion increased . .., 1385 Wpension increased 1539 Wgiete, Samuel, ijin, Frederick, wp;-msign increased.. .. 1327 WpensionA;n .. . 1326 'te, imon, iggins, ar . (, nsion increased . ... 1249 nxension . ... 1516 White Stone Hills Battle/kld, N. Dak., zgmore, James S., sale of pogtion permitted, for improving 66 Wpensiomzicreasjd. . . ... 1353 r .- 4 ilcher, ina ·ow , White, Wlliam E., ension . ... 1389 nsion increased . ... 1327 Wilcox, Isaac, White, William H., Wpension increased ..,. 1479 nsion increased - ... 1253 tlc0x, John A., Wgiztehunt, Berrien. D., Wpension increased 1424 nsion increased . ... 1537 oleox, Jonathan F., Wlgiatehurat, Robert J., . Wpension increased. . . . 1585 Wpptnsion increased., .. 1396 tlc0x, Mahala C'. (widow), 1511 ', Am h, ension . ... nzigqn . - ,..,.. 1287 `lvilcoas, Major C, DeW, M, George A., _ return from President requested of bill rengign increased ,,_, , ,,,,__,,_,. 1225 lataing to . 1634 Whrgnq, George W., enrollment corrected to Major C. DeW. nsnon increased . ... 1562 _ Willcox . .. 1634 Wggtney, Hannibal H., Wilcox, Morton A. (son), · pension increased ,,,. . ... 1226 Wpension .j . .,_,...,_..,. 1186 Whit J V., ilcoasan, arnes, gu j‘:?;;g9d_ _,_. , ___,,,_,...,.. 1303 Wpension increased J ... 1509 Wggmq, Wellington W., ilcaxon, Julia A. (widow), _ nmgn in(·re35ed_,,, ,,,,,,.,... , . 1313 81181011 . . .. 1217 WP . . Whiton, Harriet E. (widow), ild Anmuile and Birds, Alaska, Game, Wg/Fusion increased__ __,____,.. . . . . 1225 Wplrovisicms w·lpromction of . . 102 'taon G , 1 ermu _ i iam, gsié;] _________,,_,, - ... 1547 Wpension increased ... . 1501 wgium, David, . rider, Jorma, d 423 lmiqu incyggggd ____ _ _________,,__,. , , . . 1184 Wpension increase 1 wggaia, J h H. ridvy, Ambrose S., . ngigu ____ _ _________,.,.,. 1489 Wpension increased 1337 Wggutebt-ry, Eva (daughter), rldr. Wrllwm, w£;DS{O¤ ____ _ _________________ . . 1292 Wnensipn increased 1512 u, J i er, _ acc , mi0:7;:;}°“ed_ _____ _ _______,, , ... 1370 Wpension increased ... _ . . z .. 1187 WEI4, William Pinkneg, late a Senator, iley, A., late a Representative an Congress, deficienc appropriation for pay to children deficiency appropriation for pay to widow and grandchildren of . .. 511 W1 0;;-2 -----——-----·---~-·~··---· 933 WihkituFlls,T ., ·¢ey,_ res ., gcquirinzg siteéxneiceirecting public building 532 Wpension mcgased ... . 1509 s [ ° _ _ _ _ ________ _ _,,,,, , - ’L ey GTI18S . , deii;;’¤c\;· uggropriation for . Wplegisign incregised .. . . 1493 a propriation for ... z , _ ernon ., Wielnga Indwm, ew., Okla., Wpension increased . ... 1319 appropriation for support, etc., of 87, 802 ilhelrn, John P., yum, K,m,__ Wt}2D?l0H§HCf9188d 1581 ` a protion for public building . 318 i e rn, arnue ,

 Hwido nsion increased ,,.. . ...,,.. 1318

pension"?. ... 1548 [ Vléfiite, Eli W., Wtdtham John, | nsion increased_ ...1 1454 `on incrused.-.; ..., . _,,__,,..,..,,_ 1542 { Wilieraon, Angelme(w1.dow), M, Orrin D-. Q Wpenswu ...·.·--..-.-----...-.·-.. 1264 pension increased .. . . 1351 Q ilkin, Sarah E. (widow), Wicomico River, Md,. _ g Wpcnswn ... . .. 1383 reliminshry examination of, to be made.- . 826 zllnng, Alezmnder G., 1W?1omorr, Whom H., . . 1585 ; Wnznmorvncresgw ...---. . ..·.-... 1553 nsion inc ‘ i ns, anu ., WP; 1*8, [ _ nsion increased . . . . 1456 lx1in1mi1m rate of pension for. 64 ‘ Wilekzng, John A., married prior to uno 27. 1890, need not } Wpcnswn increased . ...»... 1512 prove death of husband as result of 64 I zlkmg, Lindsey, 127, ‘ _______ _ _____________,______ nsion increased 5 pensiogcsrlirdfcnot atiected by special act for Wgiinson, Eloise (widow), helpless child .. - - . 1058 Wpensron ...-..------------·-------------.. 1205 Wiedenmann, William, nlkznum, George E., nsion increased ____,,__ _ ,____.. 1580 I Wpension increased 1543 Wizederker, Joseph, j ilk-soon, Well-w W, pension mcrmmd _____ _ ___________,. . 1492 . pension increased . . .. 1336