Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1547

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INDEX. 2581 W*;:nlgi{a.J*;€°b M-»d ] Wells, John D., Connecticut Volunteers, P¤z¤- ‘ 0H_ IET9988 ---.·. . . . ns'0aged _______ _ _______________ 1235 W“k8»_W¤{lWm H·, Wgés, lJ;1h:"LDCb.i New Jersey Volunteers Wm10B 1¤€f€¤¤€d ------·--·--... . 1475 ension increased ..._._.,__ _,,__ 1257 grner, Henry Frederick, _ WELS, John H., €6¢¤€¤¢Y ¤Pp1'0P1'18t1011 fo1’ Nying French ension increased ,..,._,,________ 1247 _ s¥‘>;>1ia.t1pn claim t0, as administrator. 911 Wgls, L. M., Weidler, anklm, deficiency apgropriation for extra servicés. 511 Wppnsmu mcrcased."; 1428 mm, Mana (widow), e19h6N, $¢1'v‘wc, Wpension increased ,,,,,,_ _ ____________ __ _ _ 1195 wppy of assnstant, increased 1065 ell.;, Mary (mother), · · erghts and Measures, ugiou ,,_,______________________________ 1262 appropriation for collccping infomation to W5;::, Mary M. (widow), ' _ md in standardizing, in trade ... 905 nsiou increased .,.,,,,,,.,_________ 1204 Weights and Measures, I·ntemat1D0·n,ul Bureau Wgfd, Oliver, Of, _ _ _ pension increased . . ...,,.,,., 1307 zpprqprmtmn for annpal contnbuuon. .. 175, 676 Wells, Thmruu H., efimency agmpmtnon for contribution., 908 Wpeusion increased .,,,.._,____, _ ,_________ 1539 Weights and eeurures, International Com- elle, Wesley (J'., mittu of,11 increased . . .. 1520 appropriation for expenses of member 242, 904 Welsh, games, · Wcmgqtnqr, Jacob, . wpension incpeased . . ..,,.. 1610 Wppnsnqn nncrcmedui . 1596 elty, Fredencl: B., cnr, Rxdmrd C., Wpension increased ... . 1234 Wppnsicn iuqeusod ... . 1263 mdling, Christian ms, Frances usicm increased .. . . 1601 wycusion incrieased .. . . 1469 Wgfur, Albert, elda, Benjamin, Wpcnmon .. 1447 military record corrected . 1403 crt, Henry I F., · Mld, _He1iry, Wpeusion increased ... . 1311 wpenmon mcrcased 1571 arts, R., elch, John L., Wpemmon qncrcased ... . 1547 Wplzzsigu inc:-eased 1314 ertz, Caaszua C'., _ 36 4 , ’ pension inc . .., 1 2 Wpennion incrnused.: ... . .. 1426 cacotg, Rqubcn G., _ duh, Qargpm E. (widow), Wpensiou increased . ... 1279 wpcnmou mcmased. .. z IW csley, Allen A., _ alba-, Anebew J., Wpcnmon . . . ; .. 1395 Wpensicm increased ... . 1455 csky, Jaynes K., ‘ glker, Benjamin F., penmon increased 1489

    , .. -  . . . . 1553 I Wessznger, Eugene, 1 63

, umon . . 4 pn bn: . . . . 1332 { Wg; Indies, ella, Samuel, _ _ r appropriation for meteorological stations deiqiengy gppmprmticn for pqying French m .. 253, 1041 spolixmon claim to admmmmtor of . 480 West, John, Wellington, Cyrus, I wpeusion 1H0fo8E8d. .. , . 1417 umm; mqreusod . ... 1371 eat, Lucy_Sc0lt (widow), Wgiingtqn, Kam., _ _ _ Wpension mcroused 1394 acquiring me and grecung public build- est,. Martha E., _ _ _ inggg, gumhonzed . 529 claim for pmfperty taken m Saou; Indian deiiciency appropriation for . . ., . 485 war re erred to Court of Qlums . 1623 gppmpringign for __,_,,,., . . 958 ¤ paiment of Judgment uuthonzcd ... 1623 Welhnqcn, S., 1173 Wuthsiourry (widow), 1413 w?’.$”°“M,¤ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ wifi, pwma G., rnliitury record corrected . _ ... r 1535 5 Wpeumqn mcrgased .. . . 142.0 mgnstums of Banker and V1ce-President 9 est Pmnt,_Mws., _ _ _ _ to bill re ting to, rescinded . 1634 1 construction authonzed of public buildmg reenrullmcut directed .. . . 1634 I qt _- -; --·.----------··- 527 Walla, (Zluxrlu, g deiigxengg agnmpnapgn for . 484 mnsiun increased - ... 1254 Q West Pomt, . . (su Military Academy). Wglls, Charlu I1., Illinois Volunuzn, , Q West, Qamyzl, mimi increased . ... 1570 Wpenmon increased ...- 1525 Eggs, Charles H,, New York Volunteers, est, Wzllgam L., Wyggjon increased ,...,... . ... 1544 t;'nc;eascd 1361 lla, 1). C., 413 , jh _ _ gppmpriation ior drilling and maintenance, ; public bmlduzg, paying for cleamug snow, dee; ,_,,,,.. . . 701 1 1904-1905 . 491 Walla, Fran H., » W¢·¥i¢7¤{>¤'9§'. J¤”m€·* Tu union incl-ggggd _______ , .,.. . . - . 1256 W71C11S1Q1I 1I1C1H8B0d ~.-- 1273 775;.:, Gardner, · eatcrly,_R. .1., _ _ _ _ mon increased _________, , ,.,,_.,., 1571 Q acqmring me ann erecting public bmldmg wgezg, George M. D., e qt, authorized; -, -----·---·------- 531 pension increased ___________,,___,__, . . - . 1194 f deficiency appropnatxcn for . 486