Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1519

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INDEX. 2553 Star Routes, Postal Ser·mZcc——Continucd. P¤z¢-Statistics Bureau, Department of Agriculture- Page deliciency appropriation for mail transpor- Continued. tation‘by . 24, 31, 510, 518, 930, 943, 943 { appropriation for issue of monthly crop Stark, Peter, reports .. . . 264, 1053 P9¤¤10¤ 1¤€1‘6¤S8d ·-·-·-·... . . 1379 cotton condition reports .., 264, 1054 Stasel, _John T., for administrative expenses 1054 1301181011 1}10}'62»S€d -.-- . ... 1334 for field and state agents; expenses. . _ _ ; 1054 State, Admission of, for investigating cost of production of . proclamation announcing, Oklahoma . 2160 farm products ______________________ 1954 State Bonds, _ Statistics Bureau, Department of Commerce acceptable as security for additional na- and Labor, tional bank circulation . ... 549 aptpropriation for chief of, clerks, etc 240, 902 conditions 549 or experts, em ...,,. 240, 902 State Claims, War with Spain Statuary, time fo1’ presenting, Gxtendyéd . 42 appropriation for, on pediment of House State Courts, wing of the Capitol ... L 63 habeas corpus appeals from decisions by Statues, United States courts in detentions " appropriation for edestal, etc., memorial, by, restricted .. . .. 40 of John Wiigrerspoon .,,.,.,, 579 certificate required 40 acceptance of, J abez Lamar Monroe Curry, jurisdiction of, not impaired by Criminal and thanks tendered to Alabama for. 1631 Code - 1151 design to be secured for, of Commodore State Department Annex, D. C., John D. Sloat . 570 appippriation for laborer . ; . 218, 882 transfer from Capitol grounds to Smithto under Superintendent of State, War, · sonian Institution of Greenough’s, and Navy Department Building.. . . 218 of Washington ,.,.,.._.____ 576 State Homcsfor Soldiers and Sailors, Statutes at Large (sec also Laws of Congress), appropriation for continuing aid to 373, 1012 appropriation for preparing new index of- - 195 eficiency appropriation for ... 15 or continuing preparation of new index, 858 inmates to receive pensions direct . 419 for editing ... 197, 861 State Laws, etc., Stavanger, punishment for depriving citizens of civil classification and salary of consulate .. 102 rights on account of race, etc., un- Steam Machinery, Navy, der color oi . . .. 1092 appropriation for completion repa.irs,etc, 150, 770 State, War, and Navy Depawmmt Building, tuE"Pa1$psco’ and "l’atuxent." 151 D. C., _ " co 'ers " estal" and "Prometlreus". 770 appropriation for clerks, engmeers, watch- Steam Vessels (sec also Steamboat Inspection;, men, etc ... . . 218, 882 thickness allowed of externally fired boi - for service, Mills Building. . . 218, 882 ers of, on certain rivers increased. . . 687 for laborer, State Department annex. . 218, 882 space between Hue and shells . 687 for fuel, repairs, etc . ,... 218, 882 on oceans, Great Lakes, etc . ... 687 for repairs, etc., Mills building ... 218, 882 Steamboat, etc., Routes, Postal Service, deficiency appropriation for printing appropriation for mail transportation by. 412, 666 blanks ___,_,_.. . ... 921 i Steamboat Inspection, superintendent to have charge of Mills _ complement of officers and crew required. 55 Building and State Department an- I entry by inspector rn certificate .. 55 nex ...,,,. . ... 218 | appeal . . . . , 55 Statement of A ppropriations, t temporary deticiency . ... 56 appropriation for ‘prepa.ra.tion of 381, 1019 I penalty for failing to report deficiency 56 Staten [gland and est Bank Light Station, insudicientlfy manning vessel ,,_, 56 . N. K, inspectors of ulls and boilers authorized appro riation for completing . . 971 for Honolulu, Hawaii, and San Juan, swam Igland, N, Y., Light-Home Depot, _P. R .. 428 appropriation for equipping lamp shop, etc- 330 local inspectors to license masters, mates, States, engineers, and pilots of all steam vesdeticiency appropriation for refund to, sels . _ . . 425 raising volunteers . . 516 masters of sail vessels over 700 tons .. 425 bonds oi, acceptable as security for addi- , all other vessels over 100 tons carrying tional national bank circulation;passengers for hire . 425 conditions .. 549 l seagoing barges to be inspected once a year. 428 proportional assignment of additional A lrie-preserving equipment required . 428 currency to; asis .,... 550 _ penalty for navigating Without inspecmilitia provisions amended .. 399 t10H, Bti'. ._ 428 twenty-five per cent of receipts from hawser regulations and length of tows in National Forests in, to be paid for V inland waters to be prescribed .. 428 use of schools and roads 260 · penalty for violations, ..,, 429 States and Territories, Governors of, punishment for inspectors receiving illegal proceedings of conference of, called by the · fees . ., 1107 President, ordered printed . 1632 Steambout—Inspecl*ion Service, Statham, Nomum, appropriation for Supervising Inspectorpension increased 1406 General, clerks, etc ... 240, 902 Stationery, Postal Service, ‘ Steamboat-Impeclion Service, Supermfng Inappmprintion for ... 416, 669 specter-Gen eral, Statistics Bureau, Department of Agriculture, i to serve on board to prescribe regulations gp mpyintion for salaries . - 264,1053 { for towing seagorng barges in inland gn- genera] expenses ... : . 264, 1053 ¤ Waters . ..., 4%