Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1469

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INDEX. 2503 POMU, John D., Pm- Preswklentof the United states-Continued. Pm- P9¤¤10¤ 1¤¢1'€¤-Sed . . .. 1265 approprxatiort for traveling expenses of 356 Powell, Jqhrt Wesley, e for continuing construction of Isthmian approprmtmu for rnonument to, in Grand Canal under ... 860,1024

   gaéenyon é`*Iat1011a1 Forest . 992 deficiency uppropriationr for purchase of

mrc , ysses ., automobiles, etc., or .. . 616 pension, ------. . . 1384 authorized to accept; invitation to partici Pmrglls Rwer, Tenn., pate in Japanese exposition . 183 budge authonzed across, at Agee . 33 appointment; of uriicem .,,_____,.,._,_ 183 Potter B0qts, P0stal Service, consent to modification of bond for

appr;};r1at105?or mfylémnsportation by. 412, 666 Chinese indemnity . . ... 577

ower ants, aty- ar , invite Intemational Congress of Applied detailaglreporton c0ns01idati011,t.0be made. 142 Chemistry to hold next meeting Power, illiam H., in United States. .. . .. 1170

 pcnsie;1 increased  1497 relieve, etc., Sicilian earthquake sufgwer, esse ., ferers .,___ 584

pension increased ... . 1246 discretionary authority to change grade of Powers. gleutellyn, late a Representative in diplomatic representatives, repealed 672 zmgress, discretiona powers of, in two kinds of deficiency appropriation for pay to widow punishments . . ... 1151 of . . ... I- . . 933 duties m connection with organized militia 400 Powers ofAtt0rnqy, if estimates for expenses exceed probable punishment for forging, etc., to obtam revenue, statement to be made to. . 1027 money from the Government ... 1094 recommendations for reduction in exhaving in possession forged, ctc. 1094 genses or loans or new taxes may demanding money, etc., 011 false . . . 1095 e made . ... 1027 Powers, Wade H., joint committee of ongress to armngc pension increased . ... 1545 inaugural ceremonies of 1633 Pouhatun, Ark., may appoint J. Randolph Peyton, second brid authorized across Black River at-.- 3 1cutena.nt infantry, retired 1039 P ge William Parker Sedgwick ensign re ` 'a9u6· t t · classification and salary of consulate ... 101 tired, Navy. .. 585 Prater, Francis, William S. Shacklette, hospital steward, pgusigz imirZased__ _.. . .. 1294 {$:.;$dbN§vyi ... I. . . ... gg · Prather, ast ., rc 1 . ur mg, ousngu, avy.-. - pension increased . . .. 1421 may create new executive department in Prather, Willmm W, Philippine government . 125 pension incrwsed . .. . 1345 may grémt leases of public lands in Canal Pratt, G e. one ,... . pensicfgrgncrtmsed . . .. 1214 may restore to Marine Corps Robert Morgan P aft, J h S., (`ilson, captain .._ . . 1064 Qensigiegxefased ,_,.. . .. 1218 N ation;] Gutuwii Distrigt. of Columbia. to be P tt, R ll' ., orgmuge . etc., y . . ... rgensioz Egcyeased _____ _ ___,_,..,,,,... . . . 1372 proceedings m Congress for counting elect- Pratt, Seraiah JI., uml votes for, and \'ice-Premdent. . 1633 pension increased . . .. 1458 provisions for vercmonivs inauguration of.. 1161 Pratt, Thomas G., requested to negotiate with (ircut Britain pension Jncreased . . .. 1318 gx trqnnrktuixxitxg water lcvc-ls of P( , t s, rm. Al e-s,v c· . ..  ; qdgrgprizitgon for collecting statistics of.. 205, 869 requested to return b1ll rcluting to yudxcnal Prrgminary rEJ'(L7Il’[7lGI’i(Yf|t8 for River and Har- officers, ctn- . . ... Z . . l03G bor lmprotwmmts, requested to retum bxll relzmng in Ma]. appropriation for . . .. . 822 (1, b. Bnngham . . . 16:34 Preman. John, John II. 1Iamakcr . 1635 pension increased . . .. 1555 garry KBmGgcl“.f ..---...

1].C. e . `i cox .. ’

Pqgggticatinn and salary of consulate .. . 102 to appoint additional member of Philip- Pwwtt Nawwl Form AM-7 pm; ¤»<>¤¤m¤¤¤¤¤¤ ·---·------ _- , ----- 115 pmc-lamnticm enlarging. . 2162, 2218 commrsmqn to rcgaort qn coudmon of Prescott Plaor NW., If. C., “3Shll1g[0n: . (.., ]a1l, etc ... , 303 <l•;tieiem·y appropnattcx for jcming Kala- to cause  ? m hstt??l§(?se§m m:d £~\gp- .. . ...-------- , cu Ul m 0 e pu 1s· Prcamla mma Avenue wl {{08211 Of Tuberculosis Congress ., 479 punishment for offering. to 3<;;enuc;> i’dcer¤- 1100 , to dcq arigght of agepsgo benefit of ' { d V' -Pt, don cr, m e · qua cop r1 ,_., Pqgméggtionigr ptintiug asccrtainment of to esm{?11sh pr1cz{§;·; oa¥ im- Army and i' _ _,,,.. . .. r avy rom mmes . Z . 1. for rrrsgsingers conveying votes of .. 381 k to name hospmzl ships exempt from tax 111 Pmtdém ty' the United States (sec also Proc- ;1u;c<;t£;rLh}bihé.iédé_ .6f.§§;§i6 46 l tions), 0 0 D 0 s A apvwvgigggfvr <·<>m1><>¤¤¤¤<>¤ ·---------- gg V §$;¤5?;;g¤é £6;<§é ;¤d MZ-, 457 1E3e3E0e te 859 uuallottedjauds of Cheyemge River and for Secretary of, assistants, clerks. etc. 196, 860 . Stzmding Rock reservauons 461