Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1343

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INDEX. 2377 Indian Department—Continued. Pm- Indian Rcservations—Continued. PBS6- deficiency appropriation for town—site com- deficiency appropriation for Walker River, missiouers, Indian Territory ... 517 Nev., surveys, etc... ., 19 for iucidentals, North Dakota ... 517 for S kaue, Wash., surveys, etc ..,. 19 Reserva.tion,,ir1igz.tion. 517 for Flghead, Mont., surveys, sale, etc-, . 19 ior slclhool, O(_?ag`e,1}§ency, Okla .. 615 for sgbvceiying Pine Ridge and Standing or omas . a er . 926 .. . .. 30 517 _ fol‘ W. A. Simpson . 926 Cass Lake, Minn., Batents for church, etc., , for inspectors . 942 lands on, to iocese of Duluth .. 453 for incidentals, California ... 942 Cheyenne River and Standing Rock, for incidentals, Indian Territory. . . 942 S. Dak. and N. Dak., sale of unalfor school, Morris, Minn , 942 lotted lands .. , .,._ 460 for school, Albu uerque, N. Mex ... 942 Chippewa, of Minn., all ceded lands open to ` for school, Fort gotten, N. Dak ...,. 942 homestead entry; price .,.,..,_ 171 for school, Pierre, S, Dak ,..,,_______,, 942 lands included in Minnesota National Pierre, S, Dak, school, completing grmgian Forest .,,,________,_,,__,,,,...,,_ 270 well authorized 19 purchase of lands; homestead entries on Indian Deprgdation Claims, uimfpropriated lands .·. 271 appropriation for Assistant Att;orney·Gen- O06u!' d A One, Id¤h<>,_ lands to Wmdlawu eral, defense in 236 C°m€'°€*'Y AS$Q<?¤¤¤9¤ --------··----- 50 for gxpguggg, dgfgugg in ______________ 374, 1013 sale of lands to Unwersity of Idaho . 626 degcjeucy appropriation for judgments, C0lOI8d0·R1V6f, Ariz., additional lands to Court of Claims in ________________ 514, 938 énzona. and California Railway 43 ent for clerks from 2 ro riati n for 0mP¤¤Y ·-·------—--—·--·-·------ paym defense in __________ _ _ _ _? ____ 579 Devils Lake, N. Dak., undisposed of ceded 1,,,1,,,,, Fa,.me,._,, and Smckmm, lands open to homestead, etc_.,entry. 2143 appropriation for additional, at schools... 75, 786 F*¤**··>=~g# MQ;;-· ggv¤¤¤1¤*=·Pv¤¤1¤<=d ¤¤· 9 use of appropriation for clerical assist- im atiggc mzgid ······················ 39 · ance at agencies and schools 786 disga itiogof pmczzaé ·‘················ 450 Imn Feed .N·w··Z PWM Ground, Md-» Fort. FEL, Mm., aummg, gte] i5;.d¤.1.. . 558 1nE’r°}’n°t1°° for public wmks ‘‘‘‘······ 142* 765 Hoops Valley, Cal., part added to Trinity n '”§P€?w"*y National Forest ..,,,,,,,,,.,,,, 2243 ¤PPY9P¤¤U0¤ fm' P?Y§_ GXPGDWB ---- _ --···- 74, 785 Jicarilla Apache, N . Mex., perl; added to d€6cl€¤€‘Y 8PP¥`°P¤aU°¤ f°!` mvcling 9X* Carson National Forest . 2240 India IP€¤S€¤ ··-----···--·-···-· . -·-··---· 942 Kiowa, etc, Okla., sales of undisposed of 6 ' n nmprcws, an s .. . .., 45 appropriagon for. . -; 74, 785 allotments to children born since June 5, Indian Lan , 1906 ,. 457 punishment for timber depredations on. . . 1098 Leech Lake, Minn., patents for church, Indian Matrons, etc., lands on, to Diocese of Duluth. 453 a propriation for ... . 75, 785 Lower Brule, S. Dak., ceded portion Imgan Monqys, opened to homestead, etc., entry. . . 2150 disbursing agents may deposit, in national Menommee, Wis., manufacture of lumber, banks, etc.; bond required .. 73 etc., directed .. 51 Indian Office, Interior Department, Mescalero Apache, N. Mex., part added to appropriation for Commissioner, assistant, Alamo National Forest ... . . 2239 clerks, etc .. 226,890 Navajo, Ariz. and N. Mex., part included deficiency appropriation for clerk . 507 in Zuni National Forest . 2242 for ex rtaccountant, on Northern Amp- surplus lands after completing allotgse Indians . . 924 ments, open to entry ... 457 Indian Police, Nez Perces, Idaho, sale of isolated tracts in. 597 I mmgnatgn for ,... 75, 785 Red Lukeé Minn., Batents fo;) cnurgh, etc., 3 n 'n u, an son,to ioceseo uut . . 45 appropngiion for support, etc., of 72, 782 Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions . 455 for transporting, etc . . . ..,. 72, 783 Rosebud, S. Dak,, allotments to living for securing employment in industrial · children 0n . . .. 451 pursuits; limit on transportation,. . 72,783 ceded lands open to entry . . 2203 admission of white pupils; fees 783 Santee? Nelir., lands granted Knox County Indahn Reamazwna, or sc oo . 53 appropriation for comfleting allotments in Siletz, Oreg., time extended for purchase severalty to In iam; ou, _,_,,..,,_ 70, 78]. of lands m, by religious, etc,, s0cie— for irrigation expenses; employing super- _ ties · .. . ... , . I . . 456 inmndents 71, 782 Sioux, allotments to Indians not recewmg for surveying and allotting lands in seven full share of lands ... 452 ally ,,.,.. 72, 782 Spokane, Wash,, disiposal of unallotted agfor purchase of land, Flathead, for bison ricultural lan s . 458 - range ,...,..,,,,. . ..,. 267 Tule River, Cal., part added to Sequoia for expenses of opening to entry; reim- National Forest . .. 2249 bursable . 346, 986 White Earth, Minn., fintents for church, for timber protection, etc., on .. 783 etc., lands on, to iocese of Duluth- 452 Menominee, Wis., excluded .. 783 Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions . 454 for ceded lands, Colville, Wash., second White Mountain A ache, Ariz., part added innmllment .,., - . . 96 to Apache National Forest. , 2244 third installment ,,... 813 to Sitgreaves National Forest .,__ 2236 •