Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1143

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1909. 2219; ldarreg are as shown on the two parts of the diagram forming a part ereo . - The withdrawal made b this proclamation shall, as to all lands , {gr **9**3 mt et which are at this date legalfy appropriated under the public land laws °° ` or reserved for any public purpose, be subject to, and) shall not interfere with or defeat legal rights under such appropriation, nor prevent the use for such public purpose of lands so reserved, so long as such pppropriation is egally maintained, or such reservation remains in orce. , This proclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of ¢,K{*<=¤]¢¤¤¤¤¤dsany lan s heretofore opened to settlement and entry under the Act of 0M' p' m' Congress approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, entitled "An Act to provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest reservesi " IN WITl\`ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this`1st day of February, in the · year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred. and nine, [s11M..] and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-third. 9 TnEor>oEE RoosEvEL·r By the President: ` ROBERT Bacon Secretary of State. BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES or Ammzroa F¤¤r¤¤ry 10.1m A PROCLAMATION ‘ WHEREAS, an Executive Order signed July first, nineteen hun- Eff; N°“°¤°* Fm dred and eight, established the present Tonto l\ational Forest out of Pmamble. portions of the Tonto and Black Mesa National Forests;X§Jg_3';;p?`;§l,°2,'i’,176_ And whereas it appears that the public good would be promoted by mt 2**- adding to the Tonto National Forest certain lands within the Terri- P°“"°‘m°‘ tory olf Arizona, which are in part covered with timber and underrowt ; g Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United ggpgyviwagwmw. States of America, b r virtue of the power in me vested by the Act ofp' ' Congress, approved dune fourth, eighteen hundred and mnety-seven, entitled, "An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal rear ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninet ·eight, and for other pu oses," do proclaim that the Tonto Nationalrliorest is hereby enlargeld) and that its boundaries are as shown on the diagram forming a part hereof. _ The withdrawal made b this proclamation shall, as to all lands ;,,§§',§' "gm "°° "" which are at this date legalfy appropriated under the public land laws or reserved for any public purpose, be subject to, ant shall not interfere with or defeat legal rights under such appropriation, nor prevent the use for such public purpose of lands so reserved, so long as such appropriation is legally maintained, or such reservation remains in force. This proclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of A¤i¤¤¤¤¤=¤ *¤¤d¤— any lands heretofore opened to settlement and entry under the Act of Congress approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and sur, entitled, "An Act to provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest V0l.34,p.233. reserves."