Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/991

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974 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 299. 1909. and to make special h drographic examinations, and including the employment of such pillots and nautical experts rn the field and office as may be necessary for the same, fifteen thousand dollars; _ _ _M¤s¤eu¤ ohms For continuing magnetic observations and to establish merrdran °‘°"”‘ lines in connection therewith in all parts of the United States, and for making m etic observations in other regions under the_ ]_ur1s- diction of theagmted States, including the purchase of additional magnetic instruments, and the lease of s1tes where necessary and the erection of tem orary magnetic buildings; for continuing the line of exact levels between the A,tlantici)8Pac1fic,dandfG1df coasts;. P¤¤l¤¤ to ¤¢•¤· M- for fum1shing'oints to state surveys, to a p ie as ar as prac r- '"` cable in Stated) where points have not been flirnished; for determinations of geographical positions, and for contmrnng gravity observations, nfty thousand dollars; _ Specm surveys. For any s ecial surveys that may be required by the Light-House Board or other proper authority, and contingent expenses incident thereto, including expenses of surveys in ai of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of ' plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any - one year, to be immediately available twenty thousand dollars; Mi¤<=¤¤¤¤¤¤¤·¤· For objects not hereinbefore named that may be deemed urgent, including the reparation or purchase of preliminary plans and ifications of) vessels and the actual necessary expenses of officers who field force temporarily ordered to the office at Wash` ton for consultation with the su erintendent, to be paid as directgd by the superintendent, in accordance with the Department of Commerce and Labor regulations, and for the expenses o the attendance of the ,,§€°"°‘*° *"°°*°‘ American de egates at the meetings of the International Geodetic Association, not to exceed five hundred and fifty dollars, four thousand dollars; meT;·}:{,0g:_;¤¤g {M- For the erection of a tidal gau e in the new Seamen’s Home on West street, New York City, one ghousand dollars; m¤mh_nge_b,° Provaled, That ten per centum of the foregoing amounts shall be expenditures. available interchanges ly for menditm on the objects named, but no more than ten per centum s be added to any one item of approriation; P In all, for field expenses, three hundred and twenty-six thousand four hundred dollars. ,°g3;¤;;¤;m=Pp}g¢· The Secretary of Commerce and Labor, at his discretion, may ' hereafter grant to officers of the field force of the Coast and Geodetrc Survey on duty in the Philippine Islands, at one time the whole or any portion of the annual leave accrued and unused during a period of three years. Vessels- Fon rzmmms AND MAINTENANCE or vEssr:Ls: For repairs and maintenance of the complement of vessels used in the Coast and Geodetic Smyey, including the traveling expenses of the person inspecting the repairs, forty thousand dollars. F¤>’· M- Orrrcans AND MEN, vrnssms, Coasr AND Gmormrrc Srmvnr: For all necessary employees to man and equip the vessels of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, including professional seamen serving as executive officers and mates on vessels of the Survey, to execute the work of the Survey herein provided for and authorized by law, two hundred and forty-five thousand dollars. g:;¤,{g»;mdm_ Sxramss, Coasr AND Gmonmrro Smzvmr: For- Superintendent, six thousand dollars; A¤**¤*¤¤¤· For pay of assistants, to be employed in the field or office, as the Superintendent may direct: or two assistants, at four thousand dollars each; For one assistant, three thousand two hundred dollars; For- five assistants, at three thousand dollars each;