Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/986

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 299. 1909. 969 Act of April twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and four (Twthird Statutes, pagplcthree hundred and ninety-six), authorizing the Secretary of the asury to expend out of the appropriation for defraying the expenses of collecting the revenue from customs such amount as he may deem necessary, not exceeding one hundred and fiftytthousand dollars per annum, for_ the detection and prevention of uds upon the customs revenue, are hereby further amended so as to increase the amount to be so expended for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten to two hundred thousand dollars. _ The unexpended balance of the appro riation of twenty-five thou- §},',",,‘f,,"f,‘g,‘,§£,‘§§';,_ sand dollars made by the sundry civil get approved June thirtieth V<>1-34·v-7<¤- nineteen hundred and six, for construction andp installation of special automatic and recording scales for weighing merchandise, and so forth, in connection with at the various ports of entry under direction of the Secretary o the Treasury, is hereby continued and made available for expenditme during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten. e Larms Ann orrmmz rnormrr or mn Unrrnn Srrarns: For custody, ““"’°· °‘°· care protection, and expensu of sales of lands and other pro rty of the United States, the examination of titles, recording of deeds, advertising, and auctioneer’s fees, three hundred dollars. Punmo Hnaurrr arm M.u:rNn—Hos1>rrAr. Smzvrcn: Expenses of ,,f§',;‘g§,f,‘,*;,';,';’;Sg,?;1 Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, as follows: kw- For pay allowances, and commutation of quarters for commissioned ’*’·°°°· mecged lpiiicers and pharmacists, three hundred and twenty-five thousau dollars· A ger pay of all other employees, three hundred and ninety thousand o ars·

might, transportation, and traveling expenses, thirty-five thou- 1"¤=*¢i¤*·¢¢¤·

san dollars; For fuel, light, and water, eighty thousand dollars; Fw' °°°‘ For furniture and repairs to same, eight thousand dollars; F“""““’°· For purveying depot, (purchase of medical, surgical, and hospital S“PP“°°· su lies, fort thousand ollars; Ihr rent ofy building or floor space for purveying depot in Wasl1ing— Im"' ton, District of Columbia, three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; For maintaining the Hygienic Laborato , fifteen thousand dollars; ,°H{’¤*°"‘° w’°"'*‘ For maintenance of marme hospitals, inlcluding subsistence, and for Hpintenance or iw. all other necessary miscellaneous expenses which are not included under pm " special heads, two hundred and forty thousand dollars· I { For medical examinations, care of seamen, care and treatment of ¤.,°£_°l,'§_ °"" "` all other persons entitled to relief, and miscellaneous expenses at other than marine hospitals, which are not included under special heads, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars; For joumals and scientific books, for use of the Public-Health and B°°‘¤· °‘°· Marine-Hospital Bureau; subscriptions for joumals for use of the service may be paid for in advance, five hundred dollars; _ In all, one m lion two hundred and sixty-six thousand seven hun- I¤'¥’°°“°“ °‘°"°“'· dred and fifty dollars, which shall include the amount necessary for the medical inspection of aliens, as required by section seventeen of the Act of Congress approved February twentieth, nineteen hundred V¤1-M r- M and seven, and the plrovision of said section of said Act requiring the reimliurésement by the immigration fund for said expenses is hereby re ea e . llliaintenance of leprosy hospital, Hawaii: For maintenance of the mfg? *'°'P*“‘· leprosy hospital, Hawaii, forty-nve thousand dollars. _ To enable the Secretary of the Treasuiéy to accept the proposal of Su';f;{)€f"’*“¤ ‘“‘°' the pro rauthorities of the Territory o Hawaii, in amount not to exceed ldur thousand five hundred dollars, to make sufficient exten-