Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/974

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 299. 1909. 957 San Francisco, California, mint build` : To rotect the additional Sm F¤¤°*¤<=°·9¤*· machinery and appliances which are riiigguired lic be installed in the eight, °“°m`°°°' United States mmt building at San Francisco, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessa , of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for parting and refin' bullion is hereby authorized toibe used to construct a skylight rbtbi over the inner court of said building, to lay floors of the proper materials, and do the necessary excavating for a foundation for machinery and appliances, and or making piping connections with the mechanical p ant of the building. San Juan, Porto Rico, post-office and court·l1ouse: For continua- S¤I1J\1&¤,P.R. tion of building under present limit, fifty thousand dollars. San Marcos, Texas post-oflice: For completion of building under sm Mui-cosnrex. present limit forty thousand dollars. Santa Barbara, California, post-office: For site and continuation sam Barbara, cn. of building under present limit, fifty thousand dollars. Santa Cruz, California, postpofficec For continuation of building s•¤¤.c¤¤,ca1. under present limit, forty thousand dollars. Santa Rosa, California, post—ofTice: For site and completion of H•¤hRns•,Cal. building under present limit, twenty thousand dollars. Saulte Sainte Marie, Michm, post-oflieez For continuation of lmli S¤i¤*¤ N•¤’i•· building under present limit,ty thousand dollars. Selma, Alabama, post-oflice: For site and completion of building S°'¤**· A*¤· under present limit, twenty thousand dollars. ` Sewickley, Pennsylvania post-office: For completion of building S°**<=**°Y·P¤- under present limit, forty thousand dollars. Shamokin, Pennsylvania, post-oflice: For continuation of building S¤¤¤¤¤¤» Pa under present limit, forty thousand dollars. Sharon, Pennsylvania, post-office: For site and completion of S1¤¤¤¤.P•. , building under gresent limit, twentv thousand dollars. Shenandoah, owa, post·office: Fvor completion of building rmder S¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤•1¤.1cw•. present limit thirty-five thousand dollars. Sheridan, Wyoming, post-office and court-house: For site and con- ¤1wrld¤¤.wyo. tinuation of building under present limit, fifty thousand dollars. Shreveport, Louisiana, post—oflice and court-house: For continua- smevepomra. tion of building under present limit, seventy-five thousand dollars. For rental of temporary quarters at Shreveport, Louisiana, and sem. moving expenses incident thereto, eight thousand dollars. Sioux Falls, South Dakota, post—office and court—house: For com- S*¤¤¤ ¤·`¤¤~. =*· Mkpletion of the enlargement, extension, remodeling, or improvement of building under present limit, eighty thousand r ollars. Spokane, Washington, post-oflice, court—house, and custom—house: ¤r><>¤¤·¤¤· \V·¤·¤- For site and completion of building under present limit, seventy-five thousand dollars. Sprinvlield, Massachusetts, post-oflice and custom-house: For ad- ¤prins¤c1¤.M•s ditionalcland, and completion of the enlargement, extension, remodeling, or improvement o building under present limit, thirty-five thousand dollars. S ringfield, Ohio, post—office: For additional land, and completion spriuznenomc. of the enlargement, extension, remodeling, or improvement of buildin under present limit, twelve thousand dollars. r _ Stevens Point, Wisconsin, ost-oflice: For site and completion of ¤¤¤*¤¤¤ P<>i¤'~·W*¤· building under present limit, f)orty-five thousand dollars. Sulphur Springs, Texas, post-office: For site and completion of Tg;¤1¤¤¤r Sx>ri¤a¤. building under plresent limit, thirty-seven thousand dollars. _ ' Sumter, Sout Carolina, post~office: For site and completion of S¤¤¤°¤*·S-¤‘· building under present limit, twenty thousand dollars. _ Temple, Texas, ost-oflicez For completion of building under T¤·¤¢>¤¤- T•=¤<- present limit, fifty thousand dollars. _ _ _ Terrell, Texas, post-office: For site and completion of building Terrell.Tex. under present limit, thirty-five thousand dollars. 80893--voL 35, PT 1—09;62