Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/952

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, SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 298. 1909. 935 notes and references to the decisions of the courts construing the aforesaid laws; also about twenty volumes, now his own propert , containing list of all claims filed in the office of the Quartermaster-(general, claims presented to the Southern Claims Commission, and reports of said Commission disallowing certain claims presented; also list of claims presented to the Senate and House of Representatives since the Forty-second Congress, including the French spoliation claims, three thousand dollars. · To pay Robert Coates for services rendered in carin for press §;*$*°C°°*°¤ members' lobby during the second session of the Fifty-nintii Congress m` and the first session o the Sixtieth Congress, two hundred dollars. To pay Robert H. Key for services rendered in carin for the g·>*>$*;sH- KW- Speakei s clerk’s room during the first session of the Sixtieth Bongress, mw ' one hundred and forty dollars. To reimburse the official reporters of debates and the official m‘f,ff;‘;w,$,;Q;°’ stenographers to committees for moneys actually aid out by them Extra ¤e¤·i<=e¤. ` for clerical hire and extra clerical services from March fourth, nineteen hundred and e` ht, to March fourth, nineteen hundred and nine, seven hundred and fifty dollars each, and to John J. Cameron, two hundred ’°*’“ J· "”'°°’°“· gng forty dollars; in all, seven thousand seven hundred and forty o ars. For clerk to the Committee on Coin e, We` hts, and Measures C°¤¤*¤i*F•*¤ °¤ C°i¤· ‘ from March fourth, nineteen hundred blind ning to June thirtieth; if$i¤u¤Y¤llgm' mm nineteen hundred and ten, inclusive, at the rate of two thousand dol- ck"` lars per annum, two thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars, or so muc thereof as may be necessary. For the following, authorized by resolutions of the House and now mE;fgl0;¤g9;•&t1;{]jdf bein paid out of the contingent fund, namely: O&ce of the Clerk: For assistant enrolling clerk, at the rate of two <¤¤¤‘k’¤ 0***- thousand five hundred dollars (per annum; janitor in lieu of laborer, at the rate ofht hundred an forty dollars per annum; and janitor to the journal6l5erk’s room, at the rate of seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum; all from March fourth to June thirtieth, bot inclusive, nineteen hundred and nine; in all, one thousand three hundred and nineteen dollars and fifty cents. For assistant clerks to the committees on Banking and Currency, A¤~*i¤¤¤¤¤¤l¤¤‘k¤· Public Buildings and Grounds, Claims, and Public Lands, at the rate of 'one thousand two hundred dollars each per annum; to the Cornmittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, at the rate of one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; and to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, at the rate of one thousand four hundred dollars per annum; all from March fourth to June thirtieth, both inclusive, nineteen hundred and nine; in all, two thousand five hundred and two dollars and fifty cents. For assistant clerks to the committees on Agriculture District of Columbia, Accounts, and Indian Affairs, at the rate of one thousand eight hundred dollars Jper annum each, from March fourth, nineteen hundred and nine, to une thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, both inclusive; in all, nine thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For `anitor to the Corrunittee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, at the ‘l‘“‘“°”‘ rate of] one thousand dollars per annum; and for janitors to the committees on Ways and Means, Enrolled Bills, Patents, Census, Immigration and Naturalization, and Revision of the Laws, at the rate of seven hundred and twenty dollars each per annum, all from March fourth to June thirtieth, both inclusive, nineteen hundred and nine; in all, one thousand seven hundred and twent_y—nine dollars. _ For three persons to continue the preparation, under the direction ;.a{’;{‘§f;m‘Q°·· °f P"' of the Clerk of the House, of a digest, summary, and alphabetical list Pi-e·p¤ri¤z· of private claims, at the rate of one thousand six hundred dollars per