Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/949

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e 932 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cir. 298. 1909. hundred and nine, in accordance with such programme as may be adopted by the joint committee of the Senate_and House of Repre- P<¤¢.1>- 16%- sentatives appointed under a concurrent resolution of the two Houses, includin the pay for clerical and other extra services, and including the ay for extra police three days, at three dollars per day, there IS hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise a propriated, four thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof) as may be necessary, in addition to the sum approprrated by 1m,p.us4. the joint reso ution approved February nmth, nineteen hundred and nine, the same to be immediately avai able. seam. snNATn. M“°°¤°- For mileage of Senators for the first session of the Sixty-first Congress, forty-seven thousand dollars. _ For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others in the service of the Senate, namely: _ Clerks ¤>S¢¤·¤>¤· For five annual clerks to Senators who are not chairman of com- H mittees, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, two thousand nine hundred and twenty-five dollars. Pages. For sixteen pages from March fourth to June thirtieth, nineteen , hundred and mne, four thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. Mi¤¤+=l1¤¤¤<»¤¤ item- For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor, twenty-five thousand dollars. ` For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others in the service of the Senate, namely: Clem *° S°¤°‘°’* For fifteen annual clerks to Senators who are not chairmen of committees, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, for the fiscal " year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars. Bgsylhgghgéffhéf The Secretary of the Senate is hereby authorized and directed to Wyclie. ay to Harry A. Shaw, clerk to the Honorable Carroll S. Page, of P""‘°"°°°‘ €`ermont, from October twenty-second to December sixth, nineteen hundred and eight, John Briar, clerk to the Honorable Albert B. Cummins, of Iowa, from November twenty-fourth to December seventh, nineteen hundred and eight, and to Cecil C. Wyche, clerk to the Honorable Frank B. Gary, of South Carolina, from March sixth to sixteenth, nineteen hundred and eight, for clerical services rendered, from the a propriation for salaries of officers, clerks, messengers, and others in tlie service of the Senate for the fiscal year nineteen hundred Wllllam M.M•11¢>Y· or payment toiam l' . a oy or re Orf heas before U MF uiuc. Will NI M ll f S°"l°°* the Committee on Foreign Relations, SixtiethPCorig11€ass, txviddghundred · and ten dollars. seam omce Build- For police force for Senate Office Building under the Sergeant-at- ’";’E;,uc,,;.,,c,,_ Arms, namely: For eighteen privates, at one thousand and fiftv dollars each, from March fifth to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, inclusive, six thousand eighty-nine dollars and ninety-four cents. ljltman rumm. To ay Pitman Pulsifer, for re ari the Nav Year Book for the °‘"’ Y""' B°°k' first aiid second sessions, SixtigthPCori;§ress, two )thousand dollars. F: n. wakeneld. To pay F. H. Wakefield for extra services in pre aring the history S°"l°°"·· of Senate legislation of the Sixtieth Congress andpfor carrving out the tracing and notification plan to the Senators during the second sleslsion of the Sixtieth Congress, one thousand two hundred and fifty o ars. · 0¤l¤l¤lr¤r·s>¤¤¤- To reimburse the official re orters of the roceed' and debates Ex°"`°m°°s' of the Senate for expenses ihcurred from llldarch lfiiiisrth, nineteen hundred and eight, to March fourth, nineteen hundred and nine, for clerk hire and other extra clerical services, four thousand seven hundred and forty dollars.