Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/933

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916 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 298. 1909. School, aqproximately twenty-five thousand square feet, eighteen thousand ollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary," is hereby amlqqdeél to read as folllowsig "For purqlhase of ground for school in eig t 1 ivision to rep ace otomac Sc ool, cig teen thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary. lijgigguom hilQTROPOLITAN muon: For additional amount required to pay ‘ salaries of privates of class two promoted to class three and privatcs of class one promoted to class two during the fiscal years that follow: d Fiscal ygagfnnneteen hundred and nine, two thousand and nineteen o ars an ty cents. Fiscal year nineteen hundred and eight, two thousand three hundred and_seventy-eight dollars and sixty-seven cents. Fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, two thousand six hundred _ and nine dollars and thirty-three cents. }fgj*°P·**¤°¤*~ Fmn Dmimnrmmrrrc The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized and directed to pay to W. J. Holtman the sum of two dollars and twenty-five cents for one thousand two hundred Bqpnds of bituminous coal fumished the fire department of the _ trict of Columbia March twentieth, nineteen hundred and eight, Fame. wrghoutdtilqiq usupl certificate of insfpection required by law. _ ' drmprlau 1ona amount required or forage, our thousand mne huno ars. HW, th ¤¤v¤¤¤]¢¤2*=· Hmiuxrn DEPARTMENT; The appropriation f tw t -*11 th id n-ijaigap 2;. mms, dollars for tthegiscal yeaii nineteeiiphuiidred and ning1pi·rovir¢iiing(l‘i>11§ll1ie ’ ‘ ‘ en orcemen o various laws to prevent the s read of cont d` — . eases in the District_of Columbia, is hereby maids available, ii?ii)diiJitii;1 to the objects therem set forth, for the enforcement of an Act of Con- Ancc. p. 126. approvgedtllday qlmfeenth, piniaeenuhundredland eight, to provide o e re ra ion o cases o u rc osis int e District of Columbra, and gi other purposes. Disi¤f¤cti¤s¤¤¤"i¤¤· For additional amount required for maintenance of the disinfecting service, mcluding salaries or compensation for personal services when ordered in writingby the commissioners and necessary for the maintenance of said service, and for purchase and maintenance of necessary GMM Hmmm. ho:·_;e;:Fw;;gIong,Igp;1I1hlf.Ene;s),Ia`nrdNr(ent of stable, one thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ . _ WARD. For additional amount required for isolating ward for minor contagious diseases at Garfield lzéemorpal Hospatal, maintenance, two thousand dollars, or so much ereo as may e necessarv. ¤¤'°*¤ D*¤P<=¤¤¤¤'- f Easrmmr Drsrnxsaarz For emergency care and treatment of, and tiiililp iii:. i5°iéi$F° B“*“°““ “"°}$" ?h°°i‘§°’“°i °' “’i’°" _ n ispensary v e oar of C ari- ' _ ties, three thousand dollars. ' ,u}Q]j*¤**¤¤8*°¤ =“Y· “Vvasnmcrox Asrmm: For additional amount required for provisions, fuel, forage, harness and vehicles and repairs to same, gas, ice, i.?.?:::.; :1::2*:.1:a;£;¥szzszmérr (wish mm Supphs M- ,,, s s, an o er necessary items twelve Home (or Aged and X V I _ _ i infirm. f _ _ I GED AM) NFUUU Fo? additional amount required gor pyovisilons, fqel, foragg, harnelss and vehicles and repairs to same, as,ce,s_oescohing r o ,t'·. plies, furniture and bedclidrvg liitdh a Otmgilgmgs an medical Supitems five thousand doll usc, cn u cus ’ md other necessary y · 4 1 . N¤**<>¤¤¤ fg·i¤i¤s Narroxan Tuarxrxc Scnoor. ron Bors: F dd' ‘ S°h°°x M B°‘ required for care and maintenance of bovs comrhlitged ihllhglhgéibidiiail Training School for Boys by the courts of the District of Columbia UDg$I' qqcongractlto lbe lmaide byhthe Board of Charities with the au ori ·19S o san sc ioo , t ree t l tl so much thereof as may be necessarygusum Hee hundred dOHarS’ or