Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/922

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. SEss. II. Ch. 297. 1909. 905 To enable the bureau to collect information relative to the weights mggf1°rg;_W°i¤h*¤¤¤d and measures used in trade and to aid State sealers and other officers in adopting standard practice as to the establishment of tolerances, metho s o inspection and sealing, and other technical details necessary to insure correct weights and measures in commerce and trade, ten thousand dollars. The provision in the sundry civil Act for the fiscal year ending 'f,$;i¤8g£°l;;¤¤¤·, June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, transferring the testing ea. ’p'W- machines at the Watertown Arsenal to the Department of Commerce and Labor is hereby repealed. CONTINGENT EXPENSES, DEPARTMENT or COMMERCE AND LABorr: °°““'*€°¤*°*P°¤°°* For contingent and miscellaneous ex enses of the offices and bureaus of the department, including the Afaskan fur-seal fisheries and the Alaskan salmon fisheries services, for which appropriations for contingent and miscellaneous expenses are not specifically made, including the purchase of professional and scientfic books, law books, books of reference, periodicals, blank books, pamphlets, maps, newspapers (not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars), stationery, furniture and repairs to the same, carpets, matting, oilcloth, file cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, sponges, fuel, lighting and heating; for the urchase, exchange, and care of horses and vehicles, to be used onfy for official purposes; fre` ht and express charges, postage to foreign countries, telegraph and tele hone service, typewriters, and adding machines, includingtheir exchange; repairs to the building occupied by the offices of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor; storage of documents belonging to the Light-House Board, not to exceed one thousand five hundred dollars, and for storage of documents beloto the Bureau of Labor, not to exceed seven hundred ' and fifty dodars, and all other miscellaneous items and necessary ex nses not included in the foregoing, sixty thousand dollars. Bm rent of buildings and arts of buildings in the District of mm. Columbia for the use of the lgepartment of Commerce and Labor, fifty thousand dollars. JUDICIAL_ Juarcm. SUPREME Comer: For the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of §,‘g§‘;};f’ C°“"· the United States, thirteen thousand dollars; and for eight associate justices, at twelve thousand five hundred dollars each; For marshal of the Su rome Court of the United States, three M¤¤‘¤*¤··*· thousand five hundred dollars; For stenographic clerk For the Chief Justice and for each associate °‘°***°° —'¤¤“°°*· justice of the Supfeme Court, at not exceeding one thousand six hundred dollars eac ; in all, one hundred an thirty thousand nine hundred dollars. Cmoorr oounrsc For twenty-nine circuit judges, at seven thou- C*’°““i‘*"8€* sand dollars each, two hundredy and three thousand dollars; For nine clerks of circuit courts of appeals, at three thousand five 0,‘§I$;§jQ’°“*‘°°“'°* hundred dollars each, thirt *—one thousand five hundred dollars; ` For messenger, to act as librarian and crier, circuit court of appeals, c,§Q,§*§f*“g°’· "*g"*‘** eighth circuit, three thousand dollars; in all, two hundred and t irty- seven thousand five hundred dollars. Drsrrcror comers: For salaries of the eighty-four district judves of D*”"°*i“dg°*· the United States, at six thousand dollars each, five hrurdredl and four thousand dollars. _ Drsrnror oomrr Tnrmrromr or HAwAr1; For the payment of the H°"’“* °°“’“ salaries of the judge, clerk, and the reporter of the nited States j,%,f,',fj-,{{·,j'§,§- district court for the Territory of Hawaii, at five thousand dollars, three thousand dollars, and one thousand two hundred dollars, respectively, nine thousand two hundred dollars.