Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/836

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 264. 1909. 819 employees to be paid such compensation as the said commission may . deem ]ust and reasonable, upon a certificate to be issued by the cha11·- man of the commission. The several departments and bureaus of the Details of officisls. Government shall detail from time to time such oihcials and employees °t°‘ and furnish such information as may be requested by said commission in its investigations. For the purposes of 1ts investigations said commission shall be authorized to pay the necessary traveling expenses of persons summoned before it for the giving of information upon matters pertaining to the subfects under consideration, and the said commission is authorized to sit uring the recess of Congress. The members of mvmxganom ausaid commission or of any subcommission, or subcommissions thereof, °h°""d‘ may make investigations of waterways and harbors in the United States _ an elsewhere, and shall be allowed actual necessary expenses for the ‘ same and the expenses of necessary employees. The term of the com- D¤1‘¤¤¤¤- mission shall expire on March fourth, nineteen hundred and eleven. The commission shall rciport from time to time to the Con ress of the ****1** ¤*P°*"~ United States, and TH at thlpm conclusion of igsalpbpbrs srdmit a final re rt:, t a preinar re rt s ma e not ater ***0***0; theii January first, nineteen hundredy and)0 ten, which report, with all Pmummny r°p°n` other reports, shall embrace such material and information obtained in the course of the investigation as shall be of value; also the conclusions reached by said commission on the several sub`ects investigated. The sum of fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be ,,Q,§,*?,,,_?‘Z'*""“°“ '°‘ necemry, is hereby apprgpriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriat , to be immediately available, to pay the necessary expenses of said commission. . · Sm. 8. That section three of "An Act permittin the building of §*'mj,*_*ji M dams across the North and South branches of Rock Diver, adjacent to dammxng south Vandrutislsland and Carrs Island. and across the cut-oif between said °’${‘,Y}" M_ ,_ M islands, in Rock Island County, Illinois, in aid of navi tion and for ·¤°¤°¤·*· the development of water power," approved May didst, nineteen hundred and six, be, and the same is hereby, amended by extending the time for the completion of the dam across the south branch to Mav first, nineteen hundred and eleven: Provided, That the said dam $$3;,, 0, dm ,9 shall, immediately upon its completion, become the propert of the Umm sims. United States, and that the grantee under the said Act of lvilay first, nineteen hundred and six, shall operate and maintain the other works °¤°¤'*°¤· authorized by the said Act in accordance with and subject to the pro- , 1 visions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of l°”°‘°'°8°‘ dams across navigable waters," approved June twenty-iirst, nineteen hundred and six, so far as such provisions may be applicable. Sm:. 9. That the Act of Congress entitled “An Act to authorize and m*>{;}‘M*f};;{·cQ}; empower the Mount Carmel Development Company to draw water mel Develogment from the Wabash River, or its tributaries, in the county of Wabash °‘$‘],§’f";§,'§,‘[°,7$Y‘,,. and State of Illinois," approved February fourteenth, eighteen hun- v¢·*¤¤- dred and eightyiniue, and the Act of Congress entitled "An Act au- Vgé 3*- P- 786- ¤*· thorizin the ount Carmel Development Company to draw water °°° from Vtgibash River at Grand Rapids, Wabash County, Illinois,” approved February twelfth, nineteen hundred and one, be, and the _ · same are hereby, repealed. And the Secretary of War is hereby ,,I;‘§$“‘°”g,{,?§m’,‘f,‘§,T;{ authorized and empowered to grant leases or licenses for the use of ¤¤¤— the water wer created by the government dam on the Wabash River at Mount Cgrmel, Illinois, at such a rate, and on such conditions, and for such periods of time, as may seem to him 'ust, equitable, and expedient; the said leases or licenses to be limited to the use of the surplus water not required for navigation, and to a period not exceeding twenty years; and he is also empowered to grant leases or licenses, not excee - ing twenty years, for the occupation of such land belonging to the United Stateson said river as may be required for mill sites or other