Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/827

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810 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. seventy-one west of the fifth (principal meridian, containing seventy- _S•1¤• F¤•¤¤i¤ Mis eight and sixty-two one-hun redths acres, more or less; also, at or molimeem. near Saint Francis Mission, for cemetery purposes, the northeast quarter of the northw t quarter of section_thirty-two, township thirty- seven north, range thrrty west of the sixth principal meridian, conri¢¤¤ White Rim'- taining forty acres, more or less; also, at or near Little White River, °°°°`°"' for cemete purposes, the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty, township forty north, range twenty-nine west of the sixth principal meridian, containing forty acres, more or less, and the northeast quarter of the northeast quartpr of section thirty-three, township forty-three north, range twenty- ve west of the sixth principal meridian, containing forty acres more or less. Pius Rwcv Mus- On the Pine Ridge Reservation: 'Ilhe north half of the northeast "°°u' quarter and the north half of the northwest quarter of section fourteen, township thirty-nine north, range forty-three west of the sixth rincipal meridian, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or lines, and the northwest quarter of section twenty, township forty-one north, range forty-three west of the sixth principal meridian, containi one hundred and sixty acres, more or less. ‘ mw Gmk Baer- 11Ln the Crow Creek Reservation: The northwest quarter of section "°°"‘ four, township one hundred and nine north, range seven?-two west of the fifth principal meridian, containing one hundred an fift —e¥ht and fort one-hundredths acres, more or less; also the northha of the nortliwest uarter of the northwest ciuarter of the outhwest uarter, showniivy the tract book to be in ot eight, section twenty- three, township one hundred and seven north, range seventy-two wesf of the fifth prmcigpl meridian. ug" m"“°R°¤°’· On the Lower rule Reservation: On agency reserve in section ` fifteen, townshi one hundred and seven north, range seventy-three west of the fifth principal meridian, described as beginning at the comer to sections ten, eleven, fourteen, fifteen; thence west three hundred and thirty feet on the section line between sections ten and fifteen; thence south two hundred and sixty-four feet; thence east three hundred and thirty feet; thence north two hundred and sixty- four feet to the place of beginning, containing two acres. m*§;>:= ¤f ¤i¤'¤r¤¤* sroox or nnrrmnnnr rmnms, INCLUDING SANTEE SIOUX or Nmnnasn, (·rm:A·rr.) t$,’ff“}$,f“,;_°§§5_ For pay of five teachers, one physician, one carpenter, one miller, one engineer, two farmers, and one blacksmith, er thirteenth article of treaty of April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred) and sixty-eight, ten thousand four hundred dollars; For pay of second blacksmith, and fumishing iron, steel, and other rlnaferial, per eighth article of same treaty, one thousand six hundred o ars; F¤*¤¥¤¥¢¤¤- For pay of additional employees at the several encies for the Sioux in ebraska and Dakota, e' hty-eight thousarill dollars; $‘;§'f’§’;fI§f‘§g;,f’°°· For subsistence of the Sioux, arid for urposes of their civilization, . as per agreement ratified by Act of gongress approved February twenty-erghth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, five hundred

mmm thousand dollars: Provided, That this sum shall include transporta-

.tion of supplies from the termination of railroad or steamboat transportation, and in this service Indians shall be employed whenever sch I practicable; v0f’§’fp_ ,3; For support and maintenance of day and industrial schools, includ- V°*· ¤*· 1*-**- ing erection and repairs of school buildings, in accordance with article seven of the treaty of April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty- eight, which article is continued in force for twenty ears by section seventeen of the Act of March second, eighteen hunched and eighty- nine, two hundred thousand dollars; In all, eight hundred thousand dollars.