Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/81

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 145, 146. 1908. 63 to exceed forty per centum of the av of their rade or ratin : Pro- P'°"“€'·’· . vided, That no warrant or petty oflilder shall be gppointed or rited as Exammmm such without a suitable examination or period of probation to determine his fitness for his grade or rating. That an enlisted man or a Waiting orders. warrant or petty officer who has served thirty years in the Service shall, upon suitable application, be placed on waiting orders andreceive U seventy-five per centum of the pay and increase of his grade or rating: Provided, That such enlisted man, warrant or petty officer may be as- Assignment. ‘ signed to such duties as he may be able to perform. _ Sec. 9. That a third lieutenant or an engineer officer with the rank m§ljg·’j]bil“¤’ fof we of third lieutenant who has served five years in his grade shall, upon ` passing the examinations now required by law, be eligible to promotion to the next higher grade: Provided, That there shall be no increase fQ;‘;ff§g€,0n in the total number of lieutenants nor in the total number of engineer ` officers below the rank of first lieutenant authorized by law: Provided further, That nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent pro- _P*<;]mP¤°¤¤ *0 fm motions to iill vacancies as now provided by law. mm cm Sec. 10. That engineer officers who now have or who may hereafter rms or engineers. have the rank of captain, first lieutenant, second lieutenant, or third lieutenant in the Revenue·Cutter Service shall hereafter have the title of captain of engineers, first lieutenant of engineers, second lieutenant of engineers, and third lieutenant of engineers, res ectivel , and the titles of chief engineer, first assistant engineer,`and) second, assistant engineer are hereby abolished. That recedence between line and precedence. engineer officers of the same rank shail) be determined by length of continuous service as a commissioned officer. Sec. 11. That an enlisted man upon first entering the Revenue- Enlisted men. Cutter Service shall have credited to his account the sum of forty-five ;,,Qu°"°“°°‘°'°l°*h` dollars, and upon each subsequent enlistment the sum of twenty dollars, for uniform clothing, and such amount shall be paid to said enlisted man at the expiration of his term of enlistment if he has served a full term as prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury and has received an honorable discharge. Sec. 12. That the presidents and recorders of R.evenue—Cutter Serv- Oamiue courts and commanding officers of vessels of the Revenue—Cutter Service be, and are hereby, authorized to administer oaths of alleiance and such other oaths as may be necessary for the proper conduct of said Service; and. that commanding officers of vessels of the Revenue-Cutter Service be, and are hereby, authorized to administer oaths generally in Alaska. SEO. 13. That the number of officers allowed in the grades of second “""°‘“‘° "’°”*“"”· lieutenant and third lieutenant and second lieutenant of engineers and third lieutenant of engineers is hereby increased five in each of said rades. g SEO. 14. That all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent herewith are BBW1- hereby repealed. , Approvcd, April 16, 1908. ' CHAP. 146.-—An Act For completing the pediment of the House wing of the Capitol. [Pub1ic,r}”miWj”— Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRqn·esentatiues of the United States of America in Cbngress assembled, That the expenditure of ggiteik f ._ . _ V _ _ pe ono pedn seventy-nve thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessai y, ment qt House wing be, and the same is hereby, authorized for the purpose of completing ““j§f_},‘:‘f,f’°,;,,_ the pediment of the House wing of the Capitol by placing suitable Statuary thereon, said expenditure to be made under the direction of the Speaker of the House, the Joint Committee on the Library, and the Superintendent of the Capitol. Approved, April 16, 1908.