Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/756

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 252. 1909. 739 _ For additional pay to officer in charge of public buildings and omcer. buildings grounds at Washmgton, District of Columbia, one thousand dollars. “”° '"°"”°“' D‘°‘ For commutation of quarters to commissioned officers on duty with- commutation or out troo(ps at stations where there are no public quarters, four hun- q""°°”‘ dred an fifty thousand dollars. . For trave allowance to enlisted men on discharge, one million rmvei, emma dollars. “‘°“· For clothing not drawn due to enlisted men on discharge, eight ciotnmguemmwu. hundred thousand dollars. For interest on soldiers' deposits, one hundred thousand dollars, and rmereasa deposits. so much as may be necessary to pay back such deposits. For pay of translator and forarian of the military information divi- rramxam. sion, General StaH Corps, one thousand e` ht hundred dollars. For pay of expert accountant for the l€nspector·General’s Depart- Expert aeesumm. ment, two thousand five hundred dollars. _ For extra pay to enlisted men employed on extra duty for periods mxmdny, mem: of not less than ten days in the offices of district artillery engineers, f°'°°°° °"" and district ordnance officers, and as switchboard operators, at seacoalsgufortgications, ten thousand nine hundred and H.fty-two dollars an ty- ve cents. For extra pay to enlisted men employed on extra duty as switch- wzgw °P¤¤· Board operators at each interior post of the -army, nine thousand ' o ars. For extra ay to enlisted men of the line of the army and to enlisted m{{;=:,g_¤Y» ·¤¤¤k¤¤ men of the Signal Corps employed in the Territory of Alaska on the ’ Alaskan cable and telegpatph system, for periods of not less than ten days, at the rate of ty-five cents per day, thirty-six thousand dollars. ' For mile to officers and contract surgeons when authorized by mgi¤¤¤z¤ w ¤¤¤¤r¤. law, six huhdied and twenty-five thousand dollars. . ` For additional ten per centum increase on pay of officers on foreign · ,A<1<1i¤q¤¤11>¤v. forservice, three hundred and forty-four thousand one hundred and ° bliu°gi;i°°' Eft -two dollars and twenty-five cents. Igor additional twenty per centum increase to enlisted men on for- Enlisted men. eign service, seven hundred and eighty thousand seven hundred and thirty-one dollars and forty-two cents. Forlpgy of one computer for artillery board, two thousand five hun- C<>r¤1>¤t¤r· dred dollars. For payment of exchange by special disbursinv agents of the Pay we *>v¤¤<·h¤¤¤¤- De artment serving in foreign countries, two hundred dollars. Igor subsistence, mileage, and commutation of quarters to officers of m;*j{¤q*;§g3§g¤,;{t_{;:_tQ· the National Guard attending service and garrison schools, seventeen" " thousand dollars. For three months’ additional pay to enlisted men reenlisting within A;mm·>¤»n_p»»·. the period of three months from ate of discharge from first enlistment, F““° '°°“"“‘"'°"""‘ two hundred thousand dollars. For six months’ additional say to persons designated to receive the mm: from wounds. same by officers and enlisted! men on active service who have died °°j,.,,_,,_735_ from wounds or disease contracted in line of duty, sixty-tive thousand dollars. For additional pay to officers below the grade of major reguired to mggilgym f¤¤=i¤¤i¤¤ be mounted and w o furnish their own mounts, one hun red and ' twenty-seven thousand five hundred dollars. · _ For amount required to make monthly payment to Jemiie Carroll, ‘l»'$,'§[‘§§’_({§{§’"‘ widow ot James Carroll, late major and surgeon, United States Army, as er Act of Congress approved May twenty-third, nineteen hundred and eight, one thousand ve hundred dollars. For amount required to make monthly payment to Mabel H. §,*;f’;,Eg,§gf’°’*’· Lazear, widow of Jesse W. Lazear, late acting assistant surgeon,