Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/751

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734 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 252. 1909. s bmarln mum. F hf t' m and mine apparatus and u Q matglriglhirfossiise) iriicliiiesitlrulizltgibn bf arti ery troops in theu· special duties in connectiopfiwitp this. lpzdipg and planting of submarme ' ii tb us ve un e dollars. - ”°°*·’· mlEgI·,pdi·?:has)e ahld binding of professional books of recent date treating of militag and scientificdsul jects for library and for use of school, two thousan five hundred dollars. _ P' . P ovided That section three thousand six hundred and forty-eight ,,,§°;°"" px:' Ravglsgd Sgiltums, shall notdapply sp sl;1btscr1p(tions_(fo;‘ {0;:1%:11 Egg · . .,8tc. , . . · 01- 0 professional newspapers an perio ca o pai appropriation. nlorggzcg cme: sig- onion or THE cnrmr SIGNAL OFFICER. ¤¤¤*i¤¤ •=¤¤>¤¤¤¤¤· Sremu. Snnvrcn or THE Amn: For expenses of the Signal Service · of the Army, as follows: Purchase, equipment, and ·repa1r of field electric telegralphs, signaldequilpments and stprsts, binotcular gpnsses, tal e ostats an other necessary 1D rumen s inc udmg negaizsapriifimeteorological instruments for use on target ranges; war balloons; telephone apparatus {exclusive of exchange service) and maintenance of the same; electrical installations and maintenance at military osts; fire control and direction apparatus and material for field artillery; maintenance anglfepair of itary telpgraph émes ::3 bll ding` lf ci "an employees supp ies an gen fdpa(;s,1is.1iid1otherS:xti>rei1Sse(h connected with the’duty of cbllecting and transmitting information for the army by telegraph or otherwise, two h d d nft th d dollars. Pcsttelephcnc M lm m 8.9 cresge oguzzli tele hone s stems at interior osts, twenty wm hFor this anu p P Y P ‘ t ars. _ (Eidutlhe iristallation of post telephone systems at all garrisoned coast artillery posts, except those located 111 districts where post telephone sgstemstpavelalready been installed or are in course of installation, ten t d ars. washington-Alaska Wjhhrnehox-Masxa MILITARY CABI.E Aim TELEGRAPH srsrmr: udtiiixié exzennmi, For defrayinglthe cost of suchblextenpipns andhbettprments of tp; ¤·~· •¤¤¤¤*>l¤ **°¤¤ W hi - a ka mi itary ca e am e e a sys em as ma $°;°i°°` appioxihgdbly theSSecretary of War, to be avadiblia until the close oithe fiscal year nineteen hundred and eleven from the receipts of the Waslungton-Alaska military cable and telegraph system that have aspen mconxresn. been covered into the Treasury of the U n1t·ed States, the extent of . such extensions and the cost thereof to be reported to Congress by I'rm·fm. the Secretary of War, one hundred thousand ollars: Provided, That miiiiiigiig »:£i—ei»°igii°` the conveyance b George C. Hazelet, trustee, of a tract of about two i Sacres of land in the town of Cordoya, on Orea Inlet, Alaska, which it is proposed to donate to the United States as the site for a cable station be, and the same is hereby, accepted. Tnrzvt ¤1~¤z¢¤- ANNUNCIATOR ntrzznn srsrmis AT TARGET RANGESZ For installation S $Z$$l‘°'“Wb°"°r of annunciator buzzer s stems at target ranges at Fort Ethan Allen, r Y Vermont; Fort Niagara, New York; Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; Fort Riley, Kansas; Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Fort Sheridan, Illinois; Presidio of Monterey, California; Fort D. A. Russell, W omin¢>·· and Fort William McKinley, Philip ine Islands, eighteen thousand wo un·re dollars. by ii i ii i1 .1 a ll P g Wiwles ¤¤1·¤r·¤¤¤¤ Wrnnpnss TELEPHONE APPARATUS: For the purchase and develop- “pp°r°""" ment of wireless telephone apparatus, thirty thousand dollars. p,,,-_ PAY or orrrcnns or THE LINE. ¤¤¤<>¤'¤¤•=¤· For pay _0f officers of the line, seven million dollarsx _ _ For add1tional pay for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, one million six hundred thousand dollars.