Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/698

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 235. 1909. 681 - INTERNATIONAL 01*1-*101: or PUBLIC HEALTH. For the pa ent of the quota of the United Statesfor the year nine- I”'·°'P**l°¤¤l 0****** teen hundred and nine toward the support of the International Office Ofdziiliii ih` of Public Health, created by the international arrangement signed at Rome December ninth, nineteen hundred and seven, in pursuance of article one hundred and eighty-one of the International Sanitary Convention signed at Paris on December third, nineteen hundred and three, three thousand dollars. Punomsn or Pizormrrr 1-*01: LEGATION PURPOSES AT TOKYO, JAPAN. ‘ . Purchase of residence erected by Mr. R. S. Miller Japanese secretary T°"’°· ·l“P°“· _ to the embassy at Tokyo, at his own expense, on iground held by the d¤i¤u¤;cgis§m!?:¤i?si United States in perpetual lease for legation purposes in Tokyo, three thousand two hundred and sixty-seven dollars. SCHEDULE B.¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤B· SALARIES, CONSULAR smzvron. °¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤¤i<=¤· For salaries of consuls-general and consuls, as provided in the Act mm10I approved May eleventh, nineteen hundred and eight, entitled "An v¤1.hi,`p. sb. Act to amend an Act entitled ‘AnAct to providefor the reorggnization of the consular service of the United States’ approved A]-pril th, nineteen hundred and six," and amendments thereto, as fo ows: Consuls— general, three hundred and three thousand dollars; consuls, seven undred and thirty-four thousand dollars; in all, one million and thirty-seven thousand dollars. _ For salaries of five consular inspectors, at five thousand dollars ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤·i¤¤pcc¤>¤¤ each, twenty~five thousand dollars. EXPENSES or CONSULAR INSPECTORS. . For the actual and necessary traveling and subsistence expenses of pe'f"s*gf“*‘¤· °°°—· °*· consular inspectors while traveling and mspecting under instructions from the Secretary of State, fifteen thousand dollars. SCHEDULE C. S¤*·<¤<*··¤¤ G- sALAm1=:s or o0NsULAn ASSISTANTS. For thirteen consular assistants as provided for by law, eighteen <’°¤¤¤'=* ¤¤*¤*¤¤'·=- thousand three hundred dollars ; twelve additional consular assistants, subject to the same provisions of law as the above thirteen, twelve thousand dollars; in all, thirty thousand three hundred dollars. ALLOWANCE Pon ormuc umm AT UNITED STATES CONSULATES. Allowance for clerk hire at consulates, to be expended under the °"""“°°°““‘““‘°* direction of the Secretary of State, two hundred and forty-two thou- Qgxbn sand six hundred and ninety dollars: Promkled, That the total sum ‘_ expended in one year shall not exceed the amount appropnated. sA1.A1m¤:s or 1N·rm1zP1:n·r1ms 1*0 CONSULATES IN CHINA, 1:01mA, AND JAPAN. Interpreters to be employed at consulates in China, Korea. and s,j},‘{g{”"‘°”“‘°°“‘ Japan, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, thu·ty-five thousand dollars.