Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/662

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SIXTIETH cosennss. sms. 11. GHS. 178-181. 1909. 645 the confederated- bands of Ute Indians in Colorado for the sale of their reservation in said State, and for other purposes, and to make the necessary approlpriation for carrying out same." Sec. 2. That no ands shall be included in any tract to be segre- R°““'l°"°“· gted under the provisions of this Act on which the United States overnment has valuable improvements, or which have been reserved for any Indian schools or farm purposes. Approved, February 24, 1909. CHAP. 179.-An Act Relating to injured employees on the Isthmian Canal. Féglmgw Be it enacted my the Senate and House of Re esentattves of the United [Pub1ic,No. za;.] States 0_fAnwrzca in Ocngress assembled, &t nothing contained in Isthmian cmu the Act approved May thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, entitled g,'Q{’,{’ff,§$§{,‘f§‘bg§‘,§’§ "An Act granting to certain employees of the United States the right :f$°!;°egL*° i¤j‘“°° to receive from it compensation for injuries sustained in the course of am, pm, their eln;ployment,"` s all prevent the Isthmnan Canal Commission, under es to be Exed by the commission, from granting to its injlured emlployees, whether enpged in a hazardous employment or o erwise, eave of absence wit pay for time necessari y lost as a '*`*'”°“’¤“· result of injuries received in the course of em loyment, not exceeding in the aggregate thirty days per annum: grovided, lwwever, That muon compensation paid to such injured employees under such regulations ·` shall be deducted from any compensation which such employees may be entitled to receive under the terms of the said Act. Approved, February 24, 1909. CHAP. 180.-An Act For relief of applicants for mineral surveys. Be it enacted by the Senate and [[0use of ltepreserzfatives of the United U’“°“°» N°· 257-l States af America in Cbngress assembled, That the Sec;-eta;-y of the vgjueml land sur- Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of Rclund or unused the moneys heretofore or hereafter covered into the Treasury from °°p°S“‘ deposits made by individuals to cover cost of work performed and to be performed in the offices of the l'nitcd States surveyors—general in connection with the survey of mineral lands. any excess in the amount deposited over and above the actual cost of the work performed, including all expenses incident thereto for which the deposits were severally made or the whole of any unused deposit; and such sums, as Fvgmuneru qpvrg the several cases mav bc, shall be deemed to be annually and EBI'\'l1l\· lil§°ll°° `" l` `"` ' nently appropriated for that purpose. Such repayments s all be R_z>¤y¤¤cg¤¤— w dvmade to the person or persons who made the several deposits, or to °°°" °”'°t°' his or their legal representatives, after the completion or abandonment of the work for which the deposits were made, and upon an account certified by the surveyor-general of the district in which the mineral land surveyed, or sought to be surveyed is situated and approved by the Commissioner of the General Land Office. Approved, February 2+, 1909. . 1.-A ii han . in f m' eof the descri F°b"““'Y 2*1*9- ...,‘E.‘f.ff’..,1.?i.t...u‘;.§`€.E lE;’g'§I;‘m3? "° °‘ """’ °”°° ‘“*“" ‘* rr- R- ¤r=·_·1 I . . [Public, No. 258.] Be at enacted by the Senate and House of Representatzves of tbe United _ States of America Jin. Ctmgress assembled, That sectioutwenty-three §‘j§l?§§?“£7“5_p_m_ hundred and sevent ·two of the Revised Statutes of the United States ¤¤°¤**¢°· be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 2372. In all cases where an entry, selection, or location has ,,E,:§,°t'f,Y£°° °°m°° been or shall hereafter be made of a tract of land not intended to be