Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/654

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 147, 148. 1909. 637 fifth, nineteen hundred and six, and the Act entitled "An Act giving preference right to actual settlers on pasture reserve numbered three to purchase land leased to them for agricultural urposes in Comanche County, ()klahoma," approved June twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and six, and the Act entitled "An Act toextend the time of payments on certain homestead entries in Oklahoma," approved March eleventh, .,df""‘* "‘ ‘“· "“‘°“d‘ nineteen hundred and eight, be, and the same is hereby, postponed and extended for one year from the date on which such pa ments are now by law required to be made: Provided, That as a condition precedent {»`§‘}""§é,,m,,, ,,,,._ to said extension in each case the settler shall pay to the Secretary of ’¤°¤*¤· the lnterior, to be held in trust by him for the benefit of the Indians entitled thereto, four per centum on the amount of such deferred ° payments where the settler had no reference right, and five per centum on the amount of the deferred, payment where such settler was given a preference right, but the payment of said five per centum shall be made in lieu of the interest yment required by said Act of June twenty-eighth, nineteen hundredaand six. _ That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in his lg'- em, discretion, to extend the time of payments to the purchasers and their extended to pnirlllhasassigns applying therefor upon the lots sold, orto be sold, in ursuance °" °f‘ of an Act entitled "An Act providing for the platting and selling of the south half of section thirty, townshi two north, range eleven west of the Indian meridian, in the State of (llzlahoma, for townsite urposes," approved March twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eight, and the ·**“·l**°· Secretary of the Interior is authorized to permit the unpaid purchase money for such lots to bcxid in such installments and at such times as he may deem proper: vided, lwwever, That said purchasers or em cum their assigns shal be required to pay interest on all such deferred ferreévcrmcriinpayments sufficient to pay the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indians four per centum interest on the payments so deferred, and to pay the local authorities entitled to receive the same the equivalent of the State, county, city, and school tax at the legal rate, upon such valuation as the Secretary of the Interior may determine, and to which the lots would be liable if (patented. such extension of time not to exceed _ four years from the ate of the approval of this Act: Provided R°“°"°°°°‘ further, That not exceeding one-half of the amount which may be set aside by the Secretary of the Interior, under the Act above referred to, for the construction of two school buildings may be applied by the Secretary of the Interior to such other improvements as e may deem for the public welfare. Approved, February 18, 1909. CHAP. 148.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to establish the F oun— F°{’é“'{,’Y,l,§,ké?{’°· daticn for the Promotion of Industrial Peace." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repreaentatw7e:es of the United F d t_ f r me States of America in éimgress assembled, That section two of an Act p,0$§1§{;€,,l°& indus entitled "An Act to establish the Foundation for the Promotion of ‘“{%;f°°§§_- p_ lm Industrial Peace.,” approved March second, nineteen hundred and amended. seven, be amended so as to read as follows: _ Dimes 0, “‘Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the trustees herein mentioned to invest and reinvest the principal of this foundation, to receive any additions which may come to it by gift, bequest, or devise, and to invest and reinvest the same; and to pay over the income from the Foundation and its additions, or such part thereof as they may from time to time apportion, to a committee of sixteen persons, to nown C°mm“”°°’°°“°°d· as the ‘Industr1al Peace Committee;’ said committee to CODSISE of the g _ seven trustees and nine other persons to be selected by the trustees, ,,§?’°""°“* *°’“°°· three of whom shall serve as members of the committee for the period S0893—w‘0n 35, rr 1-—09——-12