Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/637

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620 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 129, 130. 1909. F¤b¤'¤¤¤'! I6- 1*9- CHAP. 129.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act for the widening of [S·6§] Bladensburg road, and for other purposes," approved January ninth, nineteen [Public, No us.] hundred and seven. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RFn·eoer¢azIivea of tlw United bm”*"""°‘ °‘ °"“"“` States of America in (bngresq assembled, but the Act of Congress Blndensbvrs rmi- entitled “,A11 Act for the widening of Bladensburg road, and for other aol-xwngnligg had p!II'[)0S8S,” approved January ninth, nineteen hundred and seven, be, uXBggéd*’**· P- W- and the same as hereby, amended by adding to said Act a. new section, _ ·to be known as section four, which section shall read as follows: Bedicaniou of zvv- “Sec. 4. That any land owned by the United States or the District $5:-lm°°°’ °t°" mm of Columbia which is not now used for hi hway ggurposes, but wh1ch may be included in the widening of said §laAeus urg road as herein provided, is hereby dedicated for the purposes of said widening, and Bridge ¤b¤¤¤¤¤¤. that the abutments of any brid or vmduct or ang stone wall located $§‘f.i;¤{°° °° b° db within said road as widened und; the provisions ereof shall not be disturbed by reason of said widening, nor shall the ground under or within the foundations of any brick building located within the lines of said road as widened be condemned for smd widenin ,aud the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby autgorized to permit any existing projections within the lines of said road as widened under the grovxsnons hereof to remain within said road as widened, provided t at they shall designate such pgajections which they will permit to remain before a jury shall have n impaneled in- the proceedings for widening said road." Tnmelimicmpenlew Sec. 2. That the limitation of thirty days after the date of dedica- V°‘-3*-*-8** tion within which condemnation roceediugs are directed to be instituted for the widening of said Bgdensburg road be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Approved, February 16, 1909. February 16.1N9· CHA}. 180.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the con- [S·““°·] struction of s bridge aaron the Tennessee River in Marion County, Tennessee? [1>ubl1e,No.w.] applroved May twentieth nineteen hundred and two, as amended by an Act approved Fe may int, nmeteen hundred and ‘dve,_enutled "An Act to amend an Act entitled

`.gn_Ac·t(-Ito aénthiornze the construction or a budge across the Tennessee River in

mon `oun y, ennessee."’ T<>¤¤¤~¤·<¤ River- Be it enacted by the Senate and Hmuvebcggll? eaentatiwso the United nrl(lZl$.g'€xl$`°»`}d¤l$°¤l Staten of America in Congress ascem , gat an Act entitled °‘An §,‘;‘}f,‘{,{·,._'*,}$1["{';;,,,,"§,X Act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Tennessee savkgilwgi P 629 River in Marion County, Tennessee.,” approved May twentieth, ninemeunée.’ been humdred and two, as amended by an Act approved February first., nineteen hundred and Eve, entitled "‘An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to authorize the construction of u brid across the Tennessee River in Marion County, Tennesseef approve§eMay twentieth, nineteen hundred and two," be, and the same hereby is, revived and declared to bein full force and effect, except that section seven of said Ac; pf, and the same hereby is, amended and reenacted so as to read as 0 ows: jmm nt ¤¤¤»:;¤<>— **81:0. 7. That this Act shall be null and void unless the bridge “‘"’· herein authorized shall be commenced within one year und completed wigbin three years from the first day of January, nineteen hundred nn mne. coesgpcugn. §1·;c. 2. That the bridge to be constructed under the provisions of °· "" ‘ send Act shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of brid es over nagiguble waters? approved March twenty-third, nineteen iundred an suc. Approved, February 16, 1909.