Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/632

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 101. 1909. 615 WAR DEPARTMENT. W¤r¤>¤r=¤¤¤•=¤¢- That the internal—revenue taxes imposed b the Phili ine overn- P"“‘*’¥¥‘“" I°""“""‘· ment and collected under sections due hunfdred and iiine adid one inggliiiigwfeiigb df hundred and thirty-nine of Act Numbered Eleven hundred and eighty- t°x°° m‘m°m°d' nine of the Philippine Commission, and under Acts Numbered bourteen hundred an sixty-one and Seventeen hundred and sixty-one of the Philippine Commission are hereby legalized and ratified, and the collection of all such taxes heretofore or hereafter is hereby legalized and ratified and confirmed as fully to all intents and purposes as if the game psd by prior Act of Congress been specifically authorized and irect . That of the sum of fifty thousand dollars appropriated for contin- °°“"“g°“‘°‘P°},“°‘* gent expenses of the War Department in· thd)Iegislative, executive, nbmydifgciggd and judicial appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred ‘""’P‘21°‘ ‘ and nine, the sum of two thousand dollars is hereby authorized to be expended for temporary labor, in lieu of the sum of one thousand do lars now provided by law. . . That hereafter no advertisement of any kind shall be displayed and mZQfh*¤¤*°¤ M°¤¤· no articles of any kind, excepta guide book to the Monument, shall Aanmssmems, be sold in or around the Washington Monument. °t°‘· "‘°""’""d· GRANT mmm0n1A:.: For continuing work for the erection of the °¤*¤°¤¤°¤°¤’*=*· memorial to General Ulysses S. Grant, twent —five thousand dollars. Four BENJAMIN HAnn1soN, INDIANA: That the Secretary of War be, ,,,:g_”,',ff,¤i¤¤*¤H¤* and he is hereby, authorized and directed to acquire bydpurchase or Puichnséomndadcondemnation proceedings, for militarglpurposes, land joining the j°*§‘,*f§‘,,_3,,,_ military reservation of Fort Benjamin rrison, Indiana, and for this purpose the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, appropriated by Act of May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eig t, for the purchase of said land, is hereby made available. ‘ NATroNAL noun ron DISABLED VOLUNTEER soLD1Ens. D§§{,l‘f,‘Q,“K.f,*{’,§'},‘}e{;’f Soldiers. Mountain Branch at Johnson City, Tennessee: For transportation J<>¤¤¤¤¤¤0iry.Te¤¤. of members of the home, one thousand dollars. . _ DEPARTMENT or THE INTERIOR. ,..L{;;°’*"’ ”°’“"‘ For additional amount for special or extraordinary repairs of Inte- ,,,§§"§K" °' b""'!' rior Department and Pension buildings and of the od Post-Otlice Department building, including preservation and repair of steam heating and electric ighting plants and elevators, seven thousand two hundred dollars. INDIAN AFFAIRS_ Indlanaffairs. For the erection of a new dormitory at the Osage Indian School, 0§’§“I"‘"""”°°°°l' Oklahoma, to replace the one recently destroyed by tire, to be paid XW d°*’¤*l*°*’>’· out of any money in the Treasury of the United States belonging to the Osage Nation of Indians, fourteen thousand dollars. UNITED STATES m·:or.oo1oA1. scnvnr. °°°1°‘"°“1““"°" To replace instruments, apparatus, supplies, tile cases and other fur- m§§§.l'Z,`ll-'}€'d¥.}li·l,§·l,?.i niture. maps, books, and so forth, destroyed by fire, and to provide ">’”'°- against similar loss in future, namely: _ Pumhuing Hp_ To provide for the purchase of instruments, apparatus, supplies, tile Pm., atc_ ‘ cases and other furniture, maps, books, and so orth, to replace those destroyed by the tire of December sixteenth, nineteen hundred and eight, in the building occupied by the United States Geological Survey,