Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/588

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57C SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rss. 15-17. 1908. ¥¤¤¢h 29- 1906- [No. 15.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to secure a smtable [H• J' R' ml'] design for a statue of the late Commodore John D. Sloat at Monterey, Califomia. [rua. ae¤.,N is.] • _ _ . or Resobved by the Senate and House 1f' Regresentatwes of the United John DEH1w- States of America in Congress assem kd, hat the Secretary of W ar ,,,gE,i,'ff,§§#3?£: be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to use, for the pu1}>ose

    • 0******- of securing a suitable desigpefor a statue of the late Commodore _ ohn

D. Sloat, so much as may necessary of the amount appropriated v¤1.s4,p.1•us. by the Act of March fourth, nineteen hundred and seven, entitled “An Act to aid in the completion of a monument at Monterey, Cah- Pmm fornia, to commemorate the taking possession of the Pacific coast by Minimum em. Commodore John D. Sloat, Uni tates Navy": Homded, That the total amount used for securing said design sha not exceed one thousand dollars. Approved, March 28, 1908. [QFTQ {§,,°'?j [N0. 16.] Jem aesoiunou For the ram or Ammmd e. smug, mnt1y mm- ",,,,,` "b_‘B“__ N°'_"m_] shipman,United States Navy. _ Resobved the Senate and House of Resentatéveso the United . mu o — - W u,{°m ‘ S"` States of Amerzea in Congress assemb d, hat the President be, and

 he 1s_hereby, authorized to aplpomt former Midshipman Archibald G.

mum. Stirling to be an ensign in the United States Navy to take the position he is entitled to, by his order of merit, as shown by his examination for final graduation. Approved, April 3, 1908. ` "’““°·"°“· N.11.]J·um¤1‘ rm·d· r `tan x ni 1 sui st -

 WEP28am ..;°}3`.e., `XiX{I..m,'ir££i..?§p?T?Ed L°.?ui.§‘? "°°" ° ° ° °"“

rmmms. Whereas, on the twenty-fifth day of April, nineteen hundred and eight, there occurred in the States of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana a disastrous cyclone or tornado, causing the loss of - hundreds of lives and the destruction of much property and rendering many persons homeless and temporarily without means of support: There ore, be it _ Resolved by ttze Senate and Jlouse of Rgaresentatwes of the United c,;,}}; S°“"’°"‘ °*" States ofrlmerwa an Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War _u§:;;¤rg islrmegngg be, and he is hereby, authorized to use such means as he has at hand, inseam.or that may be furnished to him, in the way of tents, provisions, and

  • ’°"· *’·"”· supplies, to relieve the distress occasioned by such storm or cyclone,

an that he take such steps as he may deem proper for the relief of such distress and need among the people who have suifered from the rewlts of jaidhstorg or cyclone. PZxpr¤»¤¤¤¤ of rvzret evolve Thatt e Congress has heard with much regret and rof£iig?L$}°°°m’ by °h° foundi sorrow of dthedterrible loss of life and ilestrncition of protpgr-ty atten ant upon e isastrous storm or cyc one w ich visite the States of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana on the twenty—lifth day of April, nineteen hundred and eight, and herebv extends its sympathy to the sufferers. ` Approved, April 30, 1908.