Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/574

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556 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Cus. 235, 236. 1908. States, any claim upon or against the Government of the United States, or any department or officer thereof, knowing such claim to be false, fictitious, or fraudulent, or who, for the purpose of obtaining or aiding to obtain the payment or approval of such claim, makes, uses, or causes to be made or used, any false bill, receipt., voucher, roll, account, claim, certificate, aiiidavit, or deposition, knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement or entry, or who enters into any Mn1Q,,, md mm,] agreement, combination, or conspiracy to defraud the Government of P¤’gg‘fg;,,_m' mn the United States, or any department or officer thereof, by obtaining wnsuenvulgm., with or aiding to obtain the payment or allowance of any false or fraudu- ‘“°°‘°°"° °‘°'"“ lent claim, or who, having charge, possession, custpady, or control of any money or other public property used or to be u_ in the or naval service, who with intent to defraud the United States or wil - fully to conceal such rnonekyaor other property, delivers or causes to delivered., to any person ving au onty to receive the same, any amounédof sméha money porgpther propertyi less than that forilwhichl he receiv a cecate or a receipt an every person authorize to make or deliver any certificate, voucher, receipt, or other paper certifying the receipé: of amagménéunihlion, ppovisions, clothing, or other property so use or to us w 0 m es or delivers the same to any other person without a fulbknowledtge of the truth of the facts stated therein, and with intent to defrau the United States, shall be Penalty. imprisoned at hard labor for not more than five years, or fined not cgymymugé more than five thousand dollars; and every_person who knowingly ,..0,,.,.;, wm. amen. purchases or receives rn p edge for any obl1gation or mdebtedness from °"* *"‘°”‘· any soldier, oilioer, sailor, or other person called into or employed in - the military or naval service any arms, equipments, ammunition, clothes, mi itary stores, or other public property, whether furnished to_the soldier under a clothing a lowance or otherwise, such soldier, ty :305, officer, ogéhshgr persolh r5oh)having_the lawiuhright :0 pledgglor - e same s pums e imprisonmen or no more an two years and by a fine not exceediyhg five hundred dollars." _ Approved, May 30, 1908.

   236.;-An Act Granting to certain employees of the United States the right

-h,¤b,,c. ,,0],,6., tnoerspeive from it compensation for injuries sustained m the course of their employ- Be it enacted by the Senate and House if Rqpresentatilves 0 f the United ,2¤:e:=¤¤¤¤¤¤ em- States of Amerma in Oongresa aasem led, That when, on or after pctmsenmssn to Aumhst first, nineteen hundred and eight, any person employed by j_jf,;{f,§‘,Qg,,‘Q’,‘Q,,§Q{,“j,'*,,§’j‘ the nited States as an artisan or laborer in any of its manufacturing plgpggrg. r I k establishments, arsenals, or nav -yards, or in the construction of river .,,,,cmsa.° ° w°’ and harbor oxicforthecationiaworky or in hasiaiidohis employment on con- · struction wor in e rec mation of ari an s or the man em t and control of the same, or in hazardous employment under thi Isthmian Canal Commission, is injlured in the course of such em loyment, Time limit; such employee shall be entitled to receive for one year thereafter, unless such employee, in the opinion of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, be sooner able to resume work, the same pay as if he continued to be employed, such payment to be made under such re ulations gétfgghon as the Secretary of Commerce and Labor may rescribe: 1%;-om'd;»d, ` That no compensation shall be paid under this Xct where the injury is due to the negligence or misconduct of the employee in'ured, nor unless said injury shall continue for more than fifteen days. All ghestions of neg igence or misconduct shall be determined by the cretary of Commerce and Labor. wff,*{,*;*,f*f,“,({f“°¤ *° Sec. 2. That if any artisan or laborer so employed shall die during the said year by reason of such injury received in the course of such employ· O