Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/564

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546 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 228, 229. 1908. thorized and empowered to enter into contracts within the full limit of cost fixed by Congress therefor. m<{:g{¤w{;>;;i;$¤h¤é>!`¤ Sec. 35. That the Secretary of the Treasury shall require all owners g` or agents of sites in each cit mentioned in this Act, where S1ii0B or addition to sites are to be purcllased, to submit offers of sale in writing. Rent ei l>¤ii<ii¤8¤ And in case a site or addition to a site acquired under the provisions 'mm ""”°v°°‘ of this Act contains a building or buildings, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to rent until their removal becomes necessary such of said buildings as may be purchased by the Government, or the land on which the same may be located, where Preeeeds the buildings are reserved by the vendors, at a fair rental value, the net proceeds thereof to be deposited in the Treasury of the United States, anda report of the proceedings to be submitted to Congress New- w annually: Promded, That each site selected under the provisions of hmm this Act shall be bounded upon at least two sides by streets, unless otherwise sgecifically provided. péggezfgggfer we- Sec. 36. hat proposals for the sale of land suitable for all sites, or ' additions to sites, provided for in this Act, respectively, shall be invited by gublic advertisement in one of the newspapers of said cities, res c- tive y, of largest circulation for at least twenty days prior to the ddte _ ipeeijied in said advertisement for the opening of said proposals. 1,°,,,,E‘;“;§‘g}“°“°‘P'° roposals made in response to said advertisement shall be mailed and ' addrwsed to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall then cause the ‘ said progsed sites, and such others as he may think proper to designate, to examined in person by an agent of the Treasur Department, who shall make written report to said Secretary of tile results of said examination and of his recommendation thereon and the reasons therefor, which shall be accompanied bly the original proposals and all maps, plats, and statements which shal have come into his possession relating to the said p)roposed sites. p,,‘g}§,’l,j§f‘°° '°" “'° · Sec. 37. That all ui dings authorized to be constructed, enlarged, or extended under the provisions of this Act shall, unless otherwise mm provided herein, be unexposed to danger from fire by an open s ce nxcepiiom mcs, of at least forty feet on each side, including streets and alleys: gho- · vided, That in exceptional cases and for good cause shown the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, reduce the o n space to less than fort feet and to any dimensions which he shalixdeem suflicient to afford- fire protection. ·”"°“"“'*‘“'· hS1·:c. 38. That Congress reserves the right to alter, am:-nd, or repeal t is Act. mflml °' *">¤’“*"‘ h Sri:. 39. Thpt all Acts or parts of Acts in conflict herewith are ere y repea e . Approved, May 30, 1908.

·i<90;l}gi;$j CHAP. 229.--An Act To amend the national banking laws.

{Public. Nel-6X_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0_fRqm·esentatiz·es of the United Nw0m, bank Ck_ States of America_2`n Congress assernbled, That national banking assoeullggnn. I ciations, each having an unimpaired capital and a surplus of not less mwafwigng. °°mm°y than twenty per centum, not less than ten in number, having an aggrem{',‘g;;'{‘{x}f,{:f W gate capital and surplus of at least live millions of dollars, may form voluntary associations to be designated as national currency associa- Apv¤i¤¤¤°¤=*· tions. The banks uniting to form such association shall. bv their presidents or vice-presidents, acting under authority from the board of directors, make and file with the Secretary of the Treasurv a certiticate setting forth the names of the banks composing the assoriation, the principal lace of business of the association, and the name of the association, which name shall be subject to the approval of the Secre- °°*P¤¤·*¤ P¤*¤¤¤~ tary of the Treasury. Upon the tiling of such certificate the associated