Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/556

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538 sixrimu couennss. sm. 1. cn. 228. 1908. D%“‘““°·m· Sec. 7. That the Secreta of the- Treasury be, and he is hereby, bnlilbiiizl d mmm authorized and directed to mhyspose of the Federal building at Danville, mldrizlialiiiiniiw °°` Illinois, at such time and in such manner and upon such terms as he _ 4**- P-“°- may deem for the best interests of the United States; and to cause to be erected upon the site thereof a suitable and commodious building, includin fireproof vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus, elevators, ana? approaches, complete, for the use of the dpost-office, United States courts, and other governmental offices in said city, at a limit of cost for said building not to exceed the sum of two hundred and °P°¤¤P•°°- twenty-five thousand dollars. That the new building hereby authorized shall be protected from danger from fire in adjacent structures by an open space of not less than twenty-five feet on all sides,_including streets and alleys, and the open space of forty feet required by existing law to be preserved for that purpose in connection with the present building is hereby reduced accor ingly. w*gm¤°' ”**° That the Secretary of the Treasury be, an he is hereby, authorized ' and empowered, in is discretion, in lieu of the foregoing, to acquire by exchan for the present post—office building and the site thereof a rectanguldr site at the northeast corner of Harrison and Vermillion streets in said cit , having a frontage on Vermillion street of not less than one hundred, and forty feet, with a depth on Harrison street of at least one hundred and forty-eight feet and six inches, and to execute on behalf of the United States the necessary conveyances to effect such exchange; and also to acquire by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise so much of the remaining frontage on Vermillion street, between Harrison and Madison streets, and having a like depth of not less than one hundred and forty-eight feet and six inches, as he may deem necessa , to provide a suitable site for the building hereinafter authorized tolbe erected. °uE;•;‘f‘:,'{eQ"b“““*“¥ That upon said new site, when acquired as aforesaid, the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be constructed a suitable and commodious building, with fireproof vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus, elevators and approaches, complete, for the use and accommodation of the post-office, United States courts, and other governmental offices in said citv, at a total limit of cost of not to exceed two hundred and seventydive thousand dollars, including such land, if any, as may be acquired in addition to that secured by exchange for the present site. ge**;';,{{*;,}‘j,{‘j,’fgnd Sec. 8. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, geccion cine; build- authorized and directed to cause the United States post-oflice buildin §,?{§,“§Y]§{ °‘ at Ottumwa Iowa, to be taken down and a new bui ding to be erected on the site thereof for the accommodation of the United States postofiice, courts, and other governmental offices, at a total cost to the Government, includin the removal of the resent building and the construction of a newlmilding with fireproof) vaults, heatin and ventilatin apparatus, and ap roaches, complete, not to exceed two hundred éousand dollars; including thirty-five thousand dollars author- V°‘·3"·P·"‘· ized by the Act of June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, which shall be available for this purpose. Qffggjgglgé md Sue. 9. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, no lodge of mn. authorized and directed, in his discretion, to sell at private sale to the Florence Lodge, Numbered Eight hundred and twenty, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, at Florence, Alabama, the following- _ _ described strip or parcel of land, situate and being in the city of ’°'°"¥"'°”· Florence, county of ·Lauderdale, State of Alabama: Beginning on the southerly line to Tombigbee street, in Florence, Alabama, at the northeasterly corner of the tract of land purchased by the United States Government from Dwight Devine and others on the seventeenth day of December, nineteen hundred and three, the deed to which is on record in the office of the probate judge of Lauderdale County, Alabama, book numbered sixty-seven, pages two hundred and