Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/536

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518 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 227. 1908. Tor soil investigations, five dollars. For purchase and distribution of valuable seeds, one hundred and ` seventy-six dollars and eighty-nine cents. For general expenses, ll eather Bureau, thirty-one dollars and - thirteen cents. _ For enforcement of the Chinese exclusion Act, eight dollars and six cents. For expenses of light vessels, Eve dollars and twenty-tive cents. For expenses of buoy e, eighty-two dollars and twenty-tive cents. For general expensesljdiureau of Standards, nineteen hundred and seven, twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents. For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, four hundred and seventy-eight dollars and fifty cents. _ For fees of clerks, United States courts, two undred and forty-tive dollars and seventy cents. For fees of commissioners, United States courts, seventy-eight dollars and ninetv cents. For support of prisoners, United States courts, seven dollars. CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR F OR THE POST- · OFFICE DEPARTMENT. 0¤•i¤1¤ ¤11¤w<¤¤ bv For com nsation to tmasters, one dollar. he tlj°°°0m°° For city-Hinlivery servliiise, incidental expenses, two dollars and fifty cents. For clerk hire, separating, fifty dollars. For inland mail transportation, star, one thousand two hundred and thirty-four dollars and sixty-five cents. For limited indemnit for lost registered mail, three hundred and twenty-three dollars and, thirteen cents. · Additional c1¤·i111¤· Sec. 3. That for the payment of the following claims, certified to be due by the several accounting officers of the Treasury Department under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted or V·>1-1¤.v- 110- carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section five of- the Act of June twentieth. eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and under appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five and pr1or years, unless r I ‘ otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congress under `° `¤’°'°°*' section two of the Act of July seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty- four, as fully set forth in Senate Document Numbered Four hundred and ninety-seven, reported to Congress at its present session, there is appropriated as follows: ` CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. €|•?*¤=¤ ¤¤·>W¤<l by For ment of jud ments a ainst internal-revenue officers, two iigiii¥¤)i¤i»ifl.Tr°°sury thousanldlgix hundred add ten dogars and forty-nine cents. CLAIMS ALLOWVED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE WAR DEPARTMENT. A;'Q,*g$¤,,;j}lQ{!L§d,§’gQ For pay, and so forth, of the Army, six hundred and ninety-tive r>•1r¤¤<==¤¤. dollars and thirty-four cents. For encampment and maneuvers, organized militia, two hundred and fifty-three dollars and thirty-five cents. For subsistence of the Army, seventyseven dollars. For transportation of the Army and its supplies, three hundred and eighty-eight dollars and twenty-three cents.