Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/525

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 227. 1908. 507 Document Numbered Eight hundred and eighty of the present ses- i sion, three thousand seven hundred and sixty-one dollars and ninety cents. To pay Howard B. Carpenter the balance due him for survey of ,,,?°"'“‘* B- C“"P€“‘ boundary line between the States of Idaho and Montana, under con- Seweyins Idaho tract dated February tenth, nineteen hundred and four, two thousand iif; M°°m°° b°°"d` four hundred and forty-six dollars and thirty-four cents. _ INDIAN orricn. I¤*“¤¤ 0***- For one clerk of class three, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred Cl°*k· and nine, one thousand six hundred dollars. m¤cnA1uA*r1oN smzvxom. R°°'°“*¤**°¤*¤*'i°°· To reimburse certain disbursingagents of the United States Reclama- ,;,;;*2 'ggggg ‘“¤· tion Service for losses sustained by them on service payments made ` during July and August, nineteen hundred and six, in accordance with prior regulations, the notice of change in methods of payments for V1 84 T3 services under the provisions of section six of the sundry civil Act °' ’p`' approved June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, not having been brought to their attention until after such payments had been made, and which were subsequently disallowed in their accounts and the amounts repaid by them to the United States from their personal funds, as fully set forth on page twent T-six of House Document Numbered Eight hundred and eighty of the present session, one hundred and four dollars and sixty-one cents. INDIAN AFFAIRS- Indian Department. To pay the expense of purchasing goods and supplies for the Indian ,,,lQ§§,l§‘“i“g· "°" Service, advertising, and all other expenses connected therewith, and for telegraphing and telephoning, and for transportation of Indian goods and supplies for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, ten thousand dollars. _ To enable the Secretary of the Interior to complete the survey, R_§},°;Q.§§$§{_ j,{‘,;f;““ allotment, classification, and appraisement of the lands of the Blackfeet Serveyinzi n Her- Indian Reservation in Montana, in accordance with the rovisions of ““f"°"" the Act of March first, nineteen hundred and seven, entidled “An Act "L 3* "‘ wm making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department. for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, and for other purposes, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight? three thousand dollars, or so _ much thereof as IDR}' be necessary: ]'rM·¢`dc<I, That this sum shall be §Q'{{,§°K’,g,,.,,,,,,,,_ reimbursed to the United States from the proceeds of the sale of the surplus lands and town sites of said reservauon, three thousand dollars.


Army and Navy pensions, as follows: For invalids, widows, minor Ar¤¤r¤¤<1N¤w. children, and depen ent relatives, army nurses, and all other pensioners who are now borne on the rolls or who may hereafter be placed thereon, _ under the provisions of any and all Acts of Congress: H-w·4'Jed, That §f,°,l,i~""},,,,,, ,,8,.,,, the appropriation aforesaid for navy pensions shall be paid from the feedincome of the navy pension fund, so far as the same shall be suflieient _ for that purpose: And jzrnvfdecl further, That the amount expended `°‘*°‘“"" “""°“"“ under each of the above items shall be accounted for separate y, ten million dollars.