Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/510

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492 srxrrrsrrr CONGRESS. Sess. r. Ch. 227. 1908. £;’g,*_fj,¤h*“·*'*· The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to refund to Allen _J . ` Krebs, of Birmingham, Alabama, from the approlpriation for “Reparrs and preservation of public buildings, nineteen undred and eight," the sum of fifty dollars, erroneously him as rental for a portion of the grounds belonging to the ede building site at Birmingham, Alabama, which said amount was covered into the Treasury to the credit of the general fund, as evidenced by certificate of deposit numbered two thousand three hundred and eighty-one, issued by the First National Bank of Birmingham on December eleventh, nineteen

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_ N b h°iilr°ds.Z°d mveuf th T1 h d R dl d Smllm Guenzel Com ryy, from the appiopriation for "Rep£iirs and preservation of publibubuildings, nineteen hundred and eight," the sum of four dollars and seventy cents, for certain articles and supplies furnished the Federal building at Lincoln, Nebraska, during the Hscal ears nineteen hundred and two, nineteen hundred and three, nineteen hundred and four, and nineteen hundred and live. George A. Barnett The accounting officers of the Treasury are directed to credit in the °'°°'° "` °°°°"""‘ accounts of the late George A. Bartlett, disbursing clerk of the Treasury Department, the sum of twenty-eight dollars and sixty-two cents, _ standing against him on the books of the Treasury Department, under the appropriation "Post—oflice, Saint Louis, Missouri;” also the sum of seventy-five dollars standing against him under the appropriation Th ·' H hb'- “91lhm+h°uSctrP0rtilid‘nd’ Diathellf d d d t th °"“‘€ ·_,,,°,,,,,, e accoun `ng officers o e reasury are irecte to cre i in e cram m ue accounts of Thomas J. Hobbs, late disbursing clerk of the Treasury Department, the sum of one hundred and thirty-one dollars and fifty- five cents standing against him on the books of the Treasury Department, under the appropriation, “Plans for public buildings, nineteen hundred and eight. ’ }`.'§,',Q,§,’;§- N;,}Q;,m_ New York, biw York, court-house and post—0flice: For alterations ti9n¤,ew.and repairs, including adjustment and rebuilding of screens, bridge over light court, new stamp booths, painting first and mezzanine stories and all work incident to completing this portion of the building for the needs of the Government usiness after the removal of the gapping division to quarters outside of the building, twenty thousand o ars. ,’§g*;$f"‘°· N-"· Asheville, North Carolina: For rent of temporary quarters and moving expenses, one thousand dollars. §n•;¤;,¤:·eg_¤1- San . ose, California, post-office: For comdpleting repairs, and placing 'lamp standards, and so forth, five thousan dollars. ,I;m{,¤f¤¤¤¤*¤¤ T¤¤*i· Umma rms snrmsoxras INSTITUTION. Q_€QQQ§'}{lQ”Q,§Q,{,f· National Zoological Park: For defrayin the expenses for witness fees, court costs, professional services of Irysicians, and other necessary chapges incurred in the defense of tlhe suit by Hannah Jackson against rank Baker, superintendent of the park, one hundred and _ _ fifteen dollars and seventy cents. _ · ,,,${$""‘“ "' ““"*““"" Washington Statue: For the transfer of the marble statue of Wash. Sgimgafsnrzkanz w ington, by Greenough, from the plaza in front of the Capitol to the ’Smithsonian Institution, under the direction of the Secretarv of the ""‘· P- il"- Smithsonian Institution and the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds, includin the construction of a foundation and a marble base, five thousand dollars. 1-:$i§$£.',E°"” l" "“’ uovmuumxr rx rns rsnnrronrrzs. ,j,$,g',,°,§,j_{,*g*;pens€é_ _ Authority is hereby granted to pay out of the treasury of the Territory of New Mexico, a sum not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, for additional employees and for contingent expenses of the thirty-