Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/479

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 218. 1908. 46] and North Dakota lying and being within the following described Desmpmm. boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the one hundred and second meridian of longitude west, where the township line between town- ‘ ships nine and ten north intersects the same; thence east on said township line to a point where the same intersects the range line between ranges twenty-four and twenty-five east of the Black Hills meridian; thence north on said range line to a point where the same intersects the township line between townships fifteen and sixteen north; thence east along said township line to a point in the center of the main channel of the Missouri River; thence in a northerly direction along the center of the main channel of said Missouri River to a point where the township line between townshi eighteen and nineteen north intersects the same, and including algo entirely all islands, if any, in said river; thence west on said township line to a point where the ran e line between ranges twenty-two an twenty-three east intersects the same; thence north along said range line to the northwest corner of section nineteen in township twenty-one north of range twenty-three east; thence east on the section line north of sections nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three and twenty-four to a point where the same intersects the range line between ranges twenty-three and twenty-four east; thence north along said range line to the State line between the States of South Dakota and North Dakota; thence west on said State line to a point where the range line between ranges eighty-four and eighty-five west in North Dakota intersects the same; thence north on said range line to a point where said range line intersects the center of the main channel of the South Fork of the Cannon Ball River;_ thence in a westerly direction up and along the center of the main channel of the said river to a point where the same intersects the` one hundred and second meridian of longitude west; thence south along said one hundred and second meridian of longitude west to the place of beginnin , except such portions thereof as have been allotted to Indians: Provided, That sections sixteen and thirty-six of the lands in §’··¢gi¤¤~i I d each township therein shall not be disposed of, but shall be reserved ss.-$Qdi°° an S r°` for the use of the common schools of the States of South Dakota and North Dakota, as the same may be located in the said States, respectively: Pmvided further, That the Secretary of the Interior may L¤¤•i¤ {yervsd fer reserve such lands as he may deem necessary for agencty, school, and °g°°°°'° "°`"°°°°H' religious purposes, to remain reserved as long as neede , and as long as a ency, school, or religious institutions are maintained thereon for die beneiit of said Indians: Profvided, hmvewr, That the Secretary r _*;¤;¢g¤}3_ ig f~·:,,LQ of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to issue a patent in tim; ( mn ' fee simple to the duly authorized missionary board, or other proper authority of any religious organization heretofore engaged in mission or school work on said reservations, for such lands thereon (not picluded in any townlpite herein prc;vided for) as hav: bien heretoore set a rt to suc or nization or mission or sc oo u oses. Sec. 2. That the lands gliall be disposed of by proclamatibnri)1ndcr ipgilmig- iii-ociiiiiiz the general provisions of the homestead and town-site laws of the “°“‘ United States, and shall be opened to settlement and entry by proclamation of the President, which proclamation shall prescribe the manner in which the lands may be settled upon, occupied, and entered by persons entitled to make entry thereof, and no person shall be peri mitted to settle upon, occupy, or enter any of said lands except as _ prescribed in such proclamation: Providea', That prior to the said Q'{fQ{‘§°{’,; ludmsm proclamation the Secretary of the Interior, in his discretion, may per- “°“ °* ““°‘°°“ ‘*""“· mit Indians who have an allotment within the area described in section one of this Act to relinquish such allotment and to receive in lieu thereof an allotment anywhere within the res ctive reservations thus diminished to which reservation the said Indians mav belong: Provédedfurther, That prior to the said proclamation the Secretary of the m;jéL<>*¤¤¤*S *0 N Interior shall cause allotments to be made to every man, woman, and ' $0893-4*01. 35, PT 1-09--31