Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/473

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 216. 1908. 455 forty-one west of the fifth principal meridian, containing fortv acres more or less. ° On the Wrhite Earth Indian Reservation at or near Pernbina settle- ,,_§,§’§f,,P°m*”““ $°" ment: The southeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the north- Dvwirtivu. east quarter of the southwest quarter of section ten township one hundred and forty-four north, range forty-two west of the fifth principal meridian, containing eighty acres, more or less. On the White Earth Indian Reservation at or near Rice River: Lots g§,,¥§§j’,,f*i"°‘· one, two and twelve of section seven, township one hundred and forty- ` four north, range forty west of the fifth principal meridian, containing ninety-five and ninety hundredths acres, more or less. On the Red Imke Indian Reservation at or near Red Lake: Lots two Rf,’,‘;,I§§‘},{,*,§k,$e{,‘}‘}§‘;'g and three of section twenty, and the west half of the northeast quarter L¤k¤- _ ` and the east half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-nine, D°S°mm°n' township one hundred and fifty-one north, range thirty-four west of the fifth rincipal meridian, containing two hundred and forty-five and forty hundredths acres, more or less. Sec. 21. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to f,‘,f’Q,’_§*,f"{‘,§‘·C,,1,0n convey to the State of Minnesota the following-described tracts and Gvumypvnveycd ro. parcels of lands, situate in the county of Carlton, State of Minnesota, D€°°°"pd°n' and described as follows, to wit: All of section thirty-six, township · forty-nine, range eighteen, except east half of northeast quarter; and all of section thirty-one, township forty-nine, range seventeen, except southwest quarter of northwest uarter and southeast quarter of southeast quarter; south half of southeast quarter, south half of southwest quarter, northeast quarter of southeast quarter, and south half of northeast quarter, all in section thirty, township forty-nine, ran e seventeen; northeast quarter of northwest quarter, south half of northwest quarter, all of the southwest quarter, and south half of southeast quarter and northeast quarter of southeast quarter, section twenty- nine, township forty-nine, range seventeen; north. half of northwest quarter, southwest quarter of northeast quarter and southeast quarter, section thirty-two, township forty-nine, range seventeen, upon receipt by said Secretary of the Interior of the sum of one dollar and twenty- PFM- live cents per acre to him paid by any person or persons on behalf of said State of Minnesota. _ That all restrictions on alienation as to any allottee or allotment em- §i§Q§’,§{ff{,j‘,,I“{.’,§§‘,f}§’;,, braced in the following-described lands, to wit: East half of northeast dwuggvzh quarter, section thirty-six, township forty-nine, range eighteen; south- °° ' west quarter of northwest quarter, section thirty-one, township forty- nine, range seventeen; north half of northeast quarter and southeast quarter of northeast quarter, section thirty-two, township forty-nine, range seventeen; and northwest quarter of northwest quarter, northwest quarter of southeast quarter, section twenty-nine, township forty- nine, range seventeen; north half of northeast quarter, northwest quarter of southeast quarter, north half of southwest quarter, southeast quarter of northwest quarter, section thirty, township forty-nine, range seventeen ; southeast quarter of southeast cpxarter, section twenty- tive, township forty-nine, range eighteen, are ereby removed in so far that said allottees or any of them or their heirs may convey their €$<l;E:;>;£¤¢¤¤¤$¤°¤ allotments to the State of Minnesota upon such allotment being first p appraised by the Secretary of the Interior, and not less than the appraised price paid therefor by the State, and in that case the trust An m Ls f _ patent heretofore issued for such allotment shall be deemed and be a c0,,,,,‘Q€,$f;,,,;i‘f,,,S¥"` patent in fee, and the proceeds of such allotment in case of an incompetent Indian shall be eld and disposed of as provided by the Act of y,,), M mw March first, nineteen hundred an seven, (Thirty-fourth Statutes at'p' ' Large, pages one thousand and fifteen to one thousand and eighteen), or any Indian holding an allotment upon any of the lands described rn this section may file with the Commissioner of Indian Affairs a relin-