Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/409

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 200. 1908. 391 of appropriate design, and said Alaska-Yukon—Paciiic Exposition is hereby authorized, through any agent, employee, privilege holder, or concessionnaire appointed by its proper officer, to vend and sell at or Sales- . near the place of manufacture any medal, print, or engraving authorized under the provisions of this Act: Provided, That the vending and Approval by Secre selling of all such medals, prints, and engravings shall be subject to my °f°h° Tr°”`"y‘ the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury. Sec. 17. That the United States shall not be liable on account of Liability of United said exposition fOl' any expenses incident to or growin out of the 2lZi$,2l{$,l°$;`lbi'Z_G°v` same, except for the construction of the building or buildings hereinbefore authorized and for the purpose of payin the expense incident to the selection, preparation, urchase, mstalition, transportation, care, custody, and safe return of) the exhibits made by the Government and for the employment of pro r persons as officers and assistants by the Government board created be t is Act, and for other expenses, and for the maintenance of said building or buildings and other contingent expenses to be approved by the chairman of the Government board, or, in the event of his absence or disability, by such officer as the board may designate, and the Secretary of the Treasury, upon itemized accounts and vouchers: Ilrovided, That no liability against the Govern- f"';,"}';,';;},,,,,,,,,, ,,0, ment shall be incurred and no expenditure of money appropriated by ¤$ll¤bl§ ¤¤¢ig;{% this Act shall be made until the president of said ex osition shall have ;1,(l0g,(I)0lm ° H furnished to the satisfaction of the Secretary of tile Treasury proof that there has been obtained for the purpose of completing and opening said exposition bona iide subscriptions to the stock of Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition (a corporation), by responsible parties, contributions, donations, and appropriations, from all sources, aggregating a sum not less than one million dollars: Provided, That no c,u°ggd¤¤>¤¤··¤¤ ¢¤· appropriation made by any State or Territory, and no appropriation ` herein made, shall be considered as any part of said million do lars. Sec. 18. That the United States shall not in any manner or under halmigg amfgjc *13} any circumstances be liable for any of the acts, doings, or represen— exposition cbrpéh- tations of said Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition (a corporation), its “°“· officers, agents, servants, or employees, or any of them, or for service, salaries, labor, or wages of said officers, agents, servants, or employees, or any of them, or for any subscriptions to the capital stock, or for an stock certificates, bonds, mortgages, or obligations of any kind issued, by said corporation, or for any debts, liabilities, or expenses, of any kind or nature whatever, attending such exposition_ corporation, or accruing by reason of the same. Sec. 19. That nothing in this Act shall be construed so as to create °,¥;';:ll%;,*°::$,}: any liability upon the part of the United States, direct? or indirectly, claimed. for any debt or obligation incurred or for any claim or aid or pouniary assistance from Congress or the Treasury of the United tates in sup rt or liquidation of any debts or oblpgations created by said UnitedpStates Government board in excess o appropriations herein made. Sec. 20. That the United States shall not in any manner or under sp·:£,,3,];{,;PQ,°f°*°” any circumstances make any loan, directly or indirectly, to the Alaska- Yukon·Pacific Exposition or for the benefit of said eigposition or for any of the purposes thereof, and shall not appropriate or any purpose whatsoever in connection with said exposition any sum of money other than that provided in this act. ixrmzxxrroiun mmexnou CONGRESS, ALBUQUEBQUE, naw mnxrco. §_%;*’¤g0*':£,*;·_;x${,*j uque ue, . li . Sec. 21. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay to the city mmgmm °° °*· of Albuquerque New Mexico, to assist in defraying the expenses of the International Irrigation Congress, to be held in t at city commencing Sedptember twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and eight, thirty thousand ollars.