Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/406

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388 SIXTIETH coxenmss. sm. 1. os. 200. 1908. dg£;¤pS_§gg:§·¤· Amsxx-ruxon-racrmc nxrosmou. ‘m°‘” mi °x’°°f Sec. 10. That all articles that shall be im rted from fore` n coungggmymmwrm tries for the sole pur se of exhibition at ptiie Alaska-Yukdg-Pacific Exposition, to be held) at Seattle, State of Washington, in_ the year nineteen hundred and nine, upon which their shall be a tariff or customs duty shall be admitted free of the payment of duty, customs fees, or charges, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury ”"°" °°”"“*°"· shall `rescribe; but it shall be lawful at any time during the exposition to seliifor delivery at the close thereof any goods or property imported for and actually on exhibition in the exposition buildings or on the grounds, subject to such regulations for the security of the revenue _ and for the collection of import duties as the Secretary of the Treasury 1iiiiyi°»°¤f¤ue1¤»¤1a, may prescribe: 1’romIded, That all such articles when sold or with- °‘°· drawn for consumption or use in the United States shall be subject to the duty, if any, imposed upon such articles by the revenue laws in force at the date of withdrawal; and on articles which shall have suffered diminutiouh0r‘;leteric;?mtio(;1 ippidenmlsegandlirlgland txgecgp sa ex surete ut,i `,sa asses acco 'ng e a lpyraiseld) value at the time ofawithdrawal for consumption or use, and th)e penalties ppescqibed by law shallhpe enforced against any person uilt of an i e sale use or wit rawa . - Nfrxidgirmnijdlsemind g Sah. 11. That are shall be exhibited at said Exposition by the E""°"°" - Government of the United States from the Smithsonian Institution . and the National Museum such articles and material of an historical _ nature as will a knowledgp of ournational history especially 1,,, , m,,um,,,_ that of Alaska, waii and the hilwpine Islands and that part of enum. the United States west of the Rocky ountains. There shall be exhibited from the Executive Departments of the United States such exhibits as will illustrate their principal administrative functions and their educational value in connection with the development of commerce in the countries bordering upon the Pacific Ocean; the preservation of forests; the reclamation and irrigation of arid and semiarid lands; the improving and enlarging of transportation facilities and the safeguards of navigation; and the economic value of the investi tions . and operations of the Government with reference to public huealth, Glmmmm wud geology, experiment stations, coast and geodetic survey, and public ermnqm. roads. To secure a complete and harmonious arrangement of D““°*· such Government exhibit a ilnited States Government board of managers is hereby authorized to be appointed to be charged with the selection, purchase, preparation, transportation, arrange ment, safe-keepinlg, exhibition and return of such articles and materials as the eads of the several Departments, the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, the Superintendent of the National Museum respectively decide shall be embraced in the Government exhibit herein authorized. The President of the United States may com muon also designate additional articles of peculiar interest for exhibition in ’ piconnection with the said Government exhibit. Said Government board of managers shall be composed of three persons now in the employ of the Government and s all be appointed by the President, one of Amwnm whom shall be designated by the Presidentas chairman of the said ' board and one as secretary and disbursing officer. The members of said Government board, with other officers and em loyees of the Goverment who may be detailed to assist them, including officers of the Army and Navy, shall receive no compensation in addition to their regular salaries, but they shall beallowed their actual and necessary traveling expenses, together with a per diem in lieu of subsistence, to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury. while necessarily absent from their homes engaged upon the business of the board. Officers of the Army and Navy shall receive said allowance in lieu of the subsistence and mileage now allowed by law; and the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy