Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/388

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370 SIXTIETH CONGRESS, Sess. I. Ch. 200. 1908. ¤¤¤¤¤1¤M For household including the same objects specihed under this head for the Central Branch, seventy-five thousand dollars; _ H¤¤P**¤l· For hospital, including the same objects specriied under this head for the Central Branch, forty-two thousand ollars; """'¥’°""°""· For transportation of members of the Home, one thousand two hundred dollars· · ` R°"*”· For repairs, idcluding the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, lift thousand dollars; · °°"""°°”‘ For shop building and dormitory for civilian employees, ten thousand dollars; ""'"' For rebuilding piazzas around central court, including repairs to roof of court, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars; _ F""' For farm, including the same objects eipeciiied under this head for the Central Branch, seventeen thousand ve hundred dollars; i In all, three hundred and seventy-seven thousand two hundred dollars. · §,{‘,';,*}f$§;,‘Q;;,,,_, Ar mm Sournsas Bnarrcn, ar Haurrorv, Vmcmra: For current expenses, includiipgythe same objects specified under this head for the su Central Branch, _ thousand dollars; _ _ _ °"""“°°‘ . For subsistence, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, one hundred and forty-eight thousand dollars; H°"'°"°"· For household, including the same objects slpecrlied under this head for the Central Branch, eighty-two thousand ollars; K""'"" For hospital, including the same objects slpecitied under this head for the Central Branch, orty-two thousand ollars; T"‘"’°'°“°°“‘ For transportation of members of the Home, two thousand dollars; · °°""”‘ For repairs, including the same objects specified under this head for · the Central Branch, forty-five thousand do lars; . P"""'""" d {For power house and equipment, two hundred and five thousand ` 0 lars; . - For tunnels and equipment, forty-five thousand dollars; P,§',{§¤¤°“° md *°° For commissary store ouse and ice plant, forty-tive thousand dollars; S1¤¥r>¤. ew- For shops with sleeping rooms, fifteen thousand dollars; For new boiler, six thousand dollars; rem. For farm, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, ten thousand dollars; · ln all, six hundred and ninety-five thousand dollars. ¥égm::*:x¤¤·K¤¤· Ar mn Wasrsnx BRAXCH, AT LEAVBNWORTH, Kansas: For ourrent expenses, including the same ob'e<-ts specified under this head for the Central Branch, sixty thousand dollars; S·¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤· For subsistence, rnclu ing the same ob`ects specified under this head for the Central Branch, one hundred and] sixty-one thousand dollars; ”°¤¤•=*·°l·*· For household, including the same objects epecilied under this head for the Central Branch, ci hty-seven thousan dollars; “°*P"*’· For hospital, including Cie same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, fifty thousand dollars; - T¤*¤*P°"°'*°“- For transportation of members of the Home, four thousand dollars; Repairs. For repairs, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, fifty-ve thousand dollars; H·>~*¤f¤¤i¤ddi¤°¤- For addition to hospital, six thousand dollars; ““‘*“‘"“ *-*"""”‘· For improvement of heating system, thirty thousand dollars; ram. For farm, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, eighteen thousand dollars; In all, four hundred aud seventy-one thousand dollars. ?Qe1¤;r*·;n{fg¤;§eé£s9é;*· Arr rms: Pacino BRANCH, AT SANTA Momca, Canrrorzxuz For ` current expenses, including the same objects specified under this head _ for the Central Branch, fifty- three thousand dollars; S“*"“"°“°°· For subsistence, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, one hundred and forty-four thousand dollars; H°“’*°‘”°l'l· For household, including the sanre objects s cified under this head for the Central Branch, fifty-nine thousand dollgrsz