Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/360

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342 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 200. 1908. ”{¤*¤*°¤•¤°°°* '°* Maintenance of vessels: For maintenance of the vessels and launches, including the purchase and repair of boats, apparatus, machinery, and other facilities required for use with the same, hire of vessels, and all ’ othl? necessary expenses in connection therewith, seventy thousand do rs. "¤b•·¤‘°¤¤·" *’•· For repairs to the steamer Albatross, includinglnew deck, repairs to wm main engines, and other necessary repairsto ull, machinery, and I M W ·**·‘=<*‘*··*··..*—**°·;;,·:·;,"..*:1·."***i ‘ f... - — · ...1. "‘* °' n ui res `ng' - es: or expenseso e inqu1ryin e bgelglhwv- causgs dg thepdgcrease of food-fishes in the lakes, rivers, and coast · waters of the United States, and for the study. of the waters of the interior, the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacino coasts in the interest of fish culture and the commercial iisheries, expenses of travel and preparation of reports, and for all other necessary expenses in connection therewith, thirty thousand dollars. suumcn inquiry- Statistical inquiry: For expenses in the collection and compilation of the statistics of the fisheries and the study of their methods and relations, including travel and pre ration of reports and all other necessar expenses in connection therewith, seven thousand five hundred dollars. pL¤,{;=*,g:;**¢°•”‘°°’· And ten per centum of the foregoing amounts for the miscellaneous .expenses 0 the work of the Bureau shall be available interchangeably _ - for expenditure on the objects named, but no more than ten per oentum shall be added to any one item of appropriation. ¤·¤;¤¤ ¤¤*·°¤’*°¤· Aglents at salmon fisheries in Alaska: For one agent, two thousand as five undred dollars; and one assistant agent, two thousand dollars; in all,hfour thousand five hundred dollars. · mu ¤¤¤¤·, S I Fis hatcléehg, Mammoth Spring, Arkansas: For the completion of un ’ the iish-cult station at Mammoth Spring, Arkansas, including the construction and repair of buildings an ponds, purchase of additional - land, and improvement to water supply and drainage system, twelve thousand dol rs. E¤¤¤· Tm Fish hatchery, Erwin, Tennessee: For general repairs to the Erwin, Tennessee, iish—cultnral station, including the construction and repair - of buildings and ponds, purchase of additional land, and improvements to water supply and drainage system, nine thousand dollars. °·P• V*¤¤·¤*=· N·Y- Fish hatc ery, Cape Vincent, New York: For the purchase of additional land, construction of superintendent’s residence, and for the construction of ponds and water supply, seven thousand dollars. 1>¤1¤¤h. Minn- Fish hatchery, Duluth, Minnesota: For the construction of the superintendents residence, addition and repair to hatchery and improvements to grounds, nine thousand dollars. ¤¤•¤v¤i¤. ¢>¤¤¤- Fish hatchery, Leadville, Colorado: For construction of boiler lliopse, and cottages for employees, seven thousand five hundred o ars. M¤•¤¤¤··f pr River Biological station Mississippi River Valle : To enable the Secre- XZll?’ °i°K’“d°°1 °°°` tary of Commerce, and Labor to establishyand ecmip a biological m,’Q‘;”,§m::j$n_m“* station, for the propagation of fresh water musse , in the upper Mississippi River Valley, at some suitable point to be selected by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, including purchase of site, constrlpgtion of buildings and ponds, and equipment, twenty-five thousand o rs. H;]/ey! wr ¤¤1¤¤>¤ Steam vessel for Alaska: For purchase or construction of a steam ° ° "' vessel for use in the Alaska salmon inspection and in connection with the propagation of salmon in Alaska, twenty thousand dollars. “*“°°“°~¤°°‘”~ mscnnnxsnous oamcrs, Dnranmnnr or communes nm muon. 8,;},},******** ml 5*** Anasxan sur. msnnmssz For salaries of agents at seal iisheries in .aze¤wsmm¤.e¤•=. Alaska, as follows: For one agent, three thousand six hundred and fifty