Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/291

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sixrmrn conennss. sm. 1. cn. 194. wss. 273 CHAP. 194.-—An Act Extending the time for the construction of a dam across M¤Y23.1908· Rainy River. [H-R·15‘*‘“·l Public, No. 138. . Be it enacted by the Senate and [base of Representatives of the United [ 1 States of America in Cbngress assembled, That the Rainy River Im- Rains Riverprovement Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the 4sillEi¤§¥t€§1d°§1¤lii); State of Minnesota, as the successor to the rights and privileges here- f,‘,§‘,]f,§m{!“P'°'°m““” tofore granted to the Koochiching Company under the following Acts " of Congress, namely: Chapter two hundred and thirty-eight of volume thirty, Statutes at Large, entitled "An Act permitting tge buildin of V°‘· “°· P- *8- a dam across Rainy River," approved May fourth, eighteen huncgxed and ninety-eight; and of chapter seven hundred and ninety-seven of volume thirt —three, Statutes at Large, entitled “An Act relating to a V<>1- 38. p- 814· dam across Rainy River," approved February twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and five, and of the various Acts and provisions therein recited amending said Act approved May fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety- eight, and further subject to the restrictions, conditions, and terms of al of said Acts, is hereby authorized to construct and maintain a dam across Rainy River, Minnesota, at the place designated in said Acts, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regu- vox. a4, p. sas. late the construction of dams across navigable waters," approved June twentyplirst, nineteen hundred and six, so far as. the same shall be applicable thereto: Pmvided, That said dam shall be completed on T¤¤¤<·*¤¤·¤¤*¤¤¤¤- or before July, nineteen hundred and eleven. ' Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby A¤•=¤·*¤*°¤*· expressly reserved. i J G Cnmon Speaker of the House of Representatives. _ CHRLS W. F AIRBANKS lWce—Pres£dent of the United States and _ - Iresident of the Senate. IN rum HoUs1·: or REPRESENTATIVES · May 12, 1.908. The President of the United States having returned to the House of Representatives in which it originated the bill (H. R. 15444) "An Act extendin the time for the construction of a dam across Rainy R.iver," with gis objections thereto the House roceeded in pursuance of the Constitution to reconsider the same; and Resolved, That the said bill pass, two-thirds of the House of Representatives agreeing to pass the same. Attest: A McDowm.r. O/er1-. Is rms Sanus: or mn Unrrnn Snrss Jllay 23, 1908. The Senate having proceeded, in pursuance of the`C0nstitution, to reconsider the bill entitled “An Act extending the time for the construction of a dam across Rainy River," returned to the House of Representatives by the President of the United States, with his objections, and sent by the House of Representatives to the Senate, with the message of the President returning the bill: Resolved, That the bill do pass, two-thirc s of the Senate agreeing to pass the same. ' ttest:(Ensures G. Bnxnnrr Secretary By H. M. Rosa Asst. Secy.