Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/277

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 192. 1908. 259 GENERAL EXPENSES, FOREST SERv1oE: To enable the Secretary of G°¤°¤l¤¤P¤¤S¤¤- Agriculture to experiment and to make and continue investigations ` and report on forestry, National Forests, forest tires, and lumbering, but no part of this appropriation shall be used for any experiment StRf¤"i°*°¤*°U¤i*°d or test made outside the jurisdiction of the United States; to inves- a 8s' tigate and test American timber and timber trees, and their uses, and methods for the (preservative treatment of timber; to seek, through investigations an the planting of native and foreign species, suitable _ trees for the treeless regions; to erect necessary buildings: I’ravided, §"’;"“Q;; .1 d. That the cost of any building erected shall not exceed five hundred dol- OS 0 in lugs" lars; to pay all expenses necessary to protect, administer, and improve N£·;g$¤g>¤· eg-· <>f the National Forests; and hereafter officials of the Forest Service desig- ° ms ` nated by the Secretary of Agriculture shall, in all ways that are practicable, aid in the enforcement of the laws of the States or Territories with regard to stock, for the prevention and extinguishment of forest fires, and for the protection of fish and game, and with respect to National Forests, shall aid the other Federal Bureaus and Departments on request from them, in the performance of the duties imposed Sal { 1 on them by law; to ascertain the natural conditions upon and utilize °S° l mb"' the National Forests, and the Secretary of Agriculture may, in his discretion, permit timber and other forest products cut or removed from the National Forests, except the Black Hills National Forest in South Dakota, to be exported from the State, Territory, or the district mack Hm. N of Alaska in which said forests are respectively situated: Promfded, asm rms:. ni That the ex rtation of dead and insect-infested timber only from said Black {fills National Forest shall be allowed until, such time as the Forester shall that the ravages of the destructive insects in said forest are practica ly checked, but in no case after July first, Cm of M, md nineteen hundred and ten; totransport and care for fish and game npc- ts to supplied to stock the National Forests or the waters therein; to gm '° ' employ fiscal and other agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor required in practical forestry and in the administration of National Forests, in the District of Columbia or elsewhere; and hereafter g,,f,'Qf§‘°°‘ '°‘ °‘“°" advances of money under angeappropriation for the Forest Service may be made to the Forest rvice and by authority of the Secretary of Agriculture to chiefs of field parties for ii hting forest Hres in emergency cases, who shall give bond under such rules and regulations and in such sum as the Secretar of Agriculture may direct, and detailed accounts arising under such advances shall be rendered through and by the Department of Agriculture to the Treasury Department; to collate, digest, report, illustrate, and print the results of experiments and investigations made by the Forest Service; to purchase law books to an amount not exceeding five hundred dollars, necessary supplies, apparatus, and office fixtures, and technical books and technical journals for officers of the Forest Service stationed outside of Washington; to pay freight, express, telephone, and telegraph charges; for electric light an power, fuel, gas, ice, washing towels, and official traveling and other necessary expenses; and for rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, three million one hundred and fifty-one thousand nine hundred dollars: Prrwéded, That no part of e,£;*;;*;g*;eg¤ *’°"‘ the money herein appropriated shall be used to pay the transporta— ` tion or traveling expenses of any forest officer or aigent except he be traveling on business directly connected with the orest Service and in furtherance of the works, aims and objects specified and authorized in and by this appropriation: Hwided further-, That no part of this ,;;*i°l*¤ *0* P°**°°‘· appropriation shall be paid or used for the purpose of paying for in ` whole or in part the preparation or publication of any newspaper or . magazine article, but this shall not prevent the giving out to all per- ' sons without discrimination, including newspaper and magazine writers andnpublishers, of any facts or official information of value to the pu 14-.