Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/271

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 192. 1908. 253 CoNTiNoENT EXPENSES, WEATHER BUREAU: Stationery and blank C°’“i“8°“* ”P**¤S€¤· books; furniture and repairs to same; freight and express charges; subsistence, care, and purchase of horses and vehicles for official purposes only; repairs of harness; advertising, dry goods, twine, mats, oils, paints, glass, lumber, hardware, ice, washing towels, and other miscellaneous supplies and expenses not otherwise provided for in the city of Washington. eleven•thousand dollars. SALARIES, sT·AT1oN EMPLOYEES, WEATHER BUREAU: Professors of S“***°“ °mPl°Y°“· meteorology, inspectors, district forecasters, local forecasters, section ` directors, research observers, observers, assistant observers, operators, skilled mechanics, repairmen, station agents, messengers, messenger boys, laborers, and other necessary employees, for duty in the District of Columbia or elsewhere in the United States, in the West Indies or on adjacent coasts, in the Hawaiian Islands, and in Bermuda, five hundred and eighty-six thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. GENERAL EXPENSES, WEATHER BUREAU: Every expenditure requi- §,j”;g{g*},gf,gg“*€S· site for and incident to the establishment, equipment and maintenance V of meteorological observation stations in the United States, in the West Indies or on adjacent coasts, and in Bermuda, including the . purchase of stationery, furniture, instruments, storm-warning towers, and all other necessary supplies and mateijals; for repair and improvement of Weathei· Bureau buildin s now completed and located outside of the District of Columbia, and care and preservation of rounds, including not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars for the compiietion of M<>¤m¤We¤ther.V¤.. the physical laboratory building and the office and cottage building at °bSm°l°”‘ Mount Weather, Vir 'nia; for the erection of a main observatory building at Mount Weathe1·, Virginia, to re lace the observatory building destroyed by fire October twenty-third? nineteen hundred and seven, and for the erection of a central heating and power station thereat, not to exceed sixty thousand dollars; for the acquisition of sites and the erection of buildings for the use of the Weather Bureau, and for all necessary labor, materials, and expenses, plans, and specihcations to be prepared by the Secretary of Agriculture, and the work done under the supervision of the Chief of the Weather Bureau, not to _ exceed one hundred and Eve thousand dollars; for the reestablishment of ,,§§§T P°“k· °°l°" the Weather Bureau Station at Pikes Peak, Colorado, not to exceed five thousand dollars; for rents of offices; for official traveling expenses; for freight and express charges; for telegraphing, telephoning, or cabling re orts and messages, rates to be iixed by the Secretary of Agriculture hy agreement with the companies performing the service; for me m h Q to maintenance and repair of Weather Bureau telegraph, telephone, and xmas. g P" cable lines; for investigations on climatology and evaporation, includ- '“"“"°'“"°“· “°°‘ ing the erection of temporary buildings for living quarters for observers engaged in evaporation work; for river, rain, snow, ice, crop, and aerial observations and reports; for storm, hurricane, and other observations, warnings, and reports; including pay of special observers and display men, none of whom shall receive more than twenty-five dollars per month; and including not to exceed thirty thousand dollars for Pri¤¤¤s<>H‘1c¤· the maintenance of a printing office in the city of Washington, including the purchase of necessary supplies and materials for printing weather maps, bulletins, circulars, forms, monthly reviews, and other publications, and for pay of assistant foremen, proof readers, compositors, pressmen, lithographers, and folders and feeders, when necessary; in all, eight hundred and fifty-two thousand dollars. Total for Weather Bureau, one million six hundred and sixty-two thousand two hundred and sixty dollars. 80893-von 35, rr 1-09--18