Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/264

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246 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 188-190. 1908. at law of the deceased, in case he shall have died intestate; or if he · shall have left a will disposing of the same, then in trust for his devisees in as full manner and on the same terms and conditions as the mgmt ct regex rep- same might have been claimed or enjoyed by him in his lifetime; and $,§‘,°§0°}Q§,§{,,:¥,§f“` when any person· having made any new invention or discovery for which a patent might have been granted becomes insane before a patent is granted the right of applying for and obtaining the patent shall devolve on his legally appointed uardian, conservator, or representative in trust for his estate in as full manner and on the same terms and conditionsas the same might have been claimed or enjoyed by him while sane; and when the application is made by such legal represen- 0•¤·· tatives the oath or ailirmation required to be made shall be so varied rmignuseumnu in form that it can be made by them. The executor or administrator ',f§,°°{‘,‘§,‘f,,Q'}‘{‘;',§"}',{ duly authorized under the law of any forei n country to administer UNM Mm- upon the estate of the deceased inventor shali in case the said inventor was not domiciled in the United States at the time of his death, have - mgm or. the right to apply for and obtain the patent. The authoritiy of such c§,},{’c§‘{Q“,’;f,f,f;,,E,*F‘· foreign executor or administrator sha be proved by certi cate of a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States. ¤{‘$1*f¤8· M-- ¤PPu· "The foregoing section, as to insane persons, is to cover all appli- ` caitiiong now on file in the Patent Office or which may be herea r m e. · Approved, May 23, 1908. [F{;§%_l{Ifg_8i Act To amend section forty-eight hundred and eighty-ave of the [Public, No. 15.] . Be it enacted by the Senate and House qf'Reyfw·eaentat¤?veaof the United §•;°¤s*gé 4885 PMS States of America in Oongreav assembled, That section forty-eight ¤mé¤li¤a.'’ hundred and eighty-five of the Revised Statutes be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: ¥gja°Qg*ggg, he "Sec. 4885. Every patent shall issue within a period of three payment menace. months from the date of the payment of thejinal fee, which fee shall be paid not later than six months from the time at which the ap lication . was passed and allowed and notice thereof was sent to the ap licant or his a ent; and if the final fee is not paid within that period me patent shalldie withheld. " Approved, May 23, 1908. M¤[y23.19¤6- CHAP. 190.——An Act Authorizing certain extensions to be made of the lines of - . the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company, the Washington Railway and [Public, No. 124.] Electric Company, the City and Suburban Railway of Washington, and the Capital Traction Company, ln the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. mmm of 00mm_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprex»·ntatz'zw of the Lhzited ble. _ States of Azneriea in Oongrexs assembled, That the Anacostia and W§,¥§‘;§‘,‘j‘,Q’,f‘,jj‘,F§,'§f,'{{ Potomac River Railroad Company be, and it is hereby, authorized and Srgggwfiund Pom directed to construct a double—track connection with its tracks on E me ami- ummm street south, thence northwardl y along First street east to East Capitol c‘§j;“‘f'$pm,,, of street, there to connect with the tracks of the Virashington Railway mbgermck even- and Electric Company; also a donble—trac·k extension from Delaware ' avenue and C street northeastwardly along Delaware avenue to the plaza in front of the Union Station. together with a doubletrack loop located as near as may be to the exterior circumference of said plaza and passing in front of and near to the Union Station: also a double-track connection with existing tracks on G street near New