Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/146

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128 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 166. 1908. lvncevlry- hundred dollars. There shall be allowed and paid to each commissioned officer below the rank of rear-admiral ten per centum of his _ current yearly pay for each term of five years service in the Army, M¤i¤¤¤¤ *¤¤=¤•¤¤· Nav y and Marine Corps. The total amount of such increase for length of service shall in no case exceed forty per eentum on the yearly pay Prwiwhm mmm of the grade as provided by law: Provided, That the annual pay of p•yrmupu¤,m, captain sgiall 1;;; exceleg fiv; thdons;1nél‘<l&>l1ars per annum;doffeomman er, our usan ve un re o rs r annum; an o 1eu- Aaamomi m mr- tenant-commander, four thousand dollars perldiimum. All officers on dn °°"i°°' sea duty and all officers on shore duty beyond the continental limits of the United States shall while so serving receive ten per centum additional of their salaries and increase as above provided, and such increase shall commence from the date of reporting for duty on board ship or the date of sailing from the United States for shore duty uausmpmeu. beyond the seas or to join a ship in foreign waters. The pay of midslupmen shall hereafter be six hundred dollars per anuumwhile at the Naval Academy, and one thousand four hundred dollars per annum

•rr•¤¤ churn. after graduation from the Naval Academy. The pay of all warrant

°officers and mates is hereby increased twenty-five per centum, and all paymasters’ clerks shall, while on duty, receive the same pa and allowances as warrant officers of like length of service in the {hwy. E¤1i¤¢¤d mw- The pay of all active and regf1(;ed{;r(}l$_mdMmeu of the Navy is hereby increased ten per centum: vi e _ urt r, That the ay and allowgwgerzt }=‘?’¤;¤;-M. ances of chiefs of bureaus in the Navy Department shallpbe the highest "‘ pay of the gradeto which the belong, and not below that of rearcimpmm. admiral of the lower nine, ang that the y and allowances of chaplains in the Navy shall in no case exceed tgt provided for lieutenantnerds rc ¤>•r-•<1mi- commanders. Aids to rear-admirals embraced in the nine lower A numbers of that grade shall each receive one hundred and fifty dollars ‘ additional dper annum, and aids to all other rear-admirals, two hundred th¥_<;;1r;::;$i;g:» dollars itxonal per annum each. When an officer of the Navy has been thu·ty years in the service, he may, u u his own application, in the discretion of the President, be retired)0 from active service and placed upon the retired list with three-fourths of the hi best pay of mgggbggugmag IS grade: And promderl farther, That any officer of the ddavy who is now serving or shall hereafter serve as chief of a bureau in-the Nav Department, and shall subsequently be retired, shall be retired with the rank, pay and allowances authorized by law for the retirement of mélgusggggvgng- such_ bureau chief. The pay of all commissioned, warrant and gtcqqiicerg, ’ appointed officers and enlisted men of the Navy now on the retired “·S··"°·*“°·P·”°· list shall be based on the gay, as herein provided for, of commissioned, wagrant and appginted ol cers agd Enlisted men of corresponding rank an service on t active ist: an a pa herein rovide shall remain prmytvggcmion of m force until changed by Act of Congrsess. Nolthing herein shall be ` construed so as reduce the pay or allowances now authorized by law for any commissmned, warrant or appointed officer or any enlisted aepm. man of the active or retired lists of the Navy, and all laws inconsistent with this provision are hereby repealed. " dé:g}lj·w·~¤<·¤¤ far That hereafter immediately upon official notification of the death R.S..*Pc.15B7,p.27l. from wounds or disease contracted in line of duty of any officer or enlisted man on the active list of the Navy and Marine Corps the Pay- ma.·4ter—General of the Navy shall cause to be paid to the widow of such officer or enlisted man, or any person previously designated b him, an amount equal to six m0nths’ pay at the rate received by such officer or enlisted man at the date of his death. less seventy-five dollars in the case of an olhcer and thirty-five dollars in the case of an enlisted inwrmeurexpenws man, to defray expenses of interment, and the residue, if any, of the amount reserved shall he paid subsequently to the designated person. ·Bm2mmu to be Phe Secretary of the Navy shall establish regulations requiring each ,;,,,ig,,,,,ed_ officer and enlisted man to designate the proper person·to whom this